Worship Team


Interested in the worship teams? Here’s everything you need to know!

We have four main areas to get involved:

  • 8:30am worship teams is a team of soprano, alto, tenor and bass vocalists, singing 4 part harmony with piano and organ, reading off of sheet music.
  • Sanctuary Choir is a choral group for ages high-school to adult that meet seasonally to prepare choral music and singing every few weeks at the 8:30am worship service.
  • 11am worship team is a team of vocalists with drums, guitars, bass, keys and piano reading off of chord charts and learning melodies/harmonies by ear.
  • Tech Team runs the video and audio systems, as well as the words and slides.
Because being a part of the 8:30 worship and 11am worship teams is a big commitment, we ask that anyone new attend Cedar Hills for 6 months prior to auditioning for a music team.  We want to make sure that this is the church you want to call home before jumping in.  (Choir is an exception to this rule – and is open at any time.) This helps with continuity and overall consistency with the teams.  It helps if you fill out the bulletin response weekly in worship so we can check your attendance.
Another next steps is to join a “Worship Jam” – this is something we hold quarterly and is a giant gathering of all our musicians plus any new or interested in worship teams.  This is advertised in the bulletin a few weeks prior to the Worship Jam.
During all of this, anyone is welcome to come and sit through our warm-ups! 7:40am for the 8:30am worship team and 9:45am for the 11am worship teams.  Don’t be a stranger! Come introduce yourself!
After 6 months, you’ll set up a meeting with the Pastor of Worship so we can get to know you better, hear your testimony of how you came to salvation, and we do an ‘audition’.  Not everyone makes it. We try hard to discern what is best for the teams and holes we need to fill as well as identify youth and children to raise up on the teams.