Sunday Classes
Adult classes are offering Sundays at 9:45am, in between services. Classes run during the regular school year, and we occasionally offer a few summer options. Classes cover a range of topics from parenting, Bible study, faith, and run approximately 6-10 weeks at a time. Check the bulletin for current offerings. Classes for teens and children run alongside the adult classes, as well as nursery for ages 0-36 months.
Small Groups and Bible Studies
A variety of groups and Bible studies meet throughout the year to study together, pray, and encourage one another in walking out their faith. New groups are always forming – to find just the right place for you and your family, contact Lindsey Ungs.
- Monday Night Men’s Connection & Trivia
- Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study
Our Sanctuary Choir sings at the 8:30am service 1-2 times a month. Choir is open to high school age and up and sings in SATB. All singers are welcome to join. Practice is Wednesday nights during the school year. MORE INFORMATION
Worship Teams
We have unique styles of worship teams at both services. Joining the worship team has a unique process. You can learn more here.
- Our 8:30am service teams sing primarily hymns in 4-part harmony and include vocalists, piano and organ players.
- Our 11am service teams play from chord charts and include singers, drums, keys, guitars, and other worship instruments.
- If interested in a worship team, LEARN MORE
Wednesday Prayer Meetings
Join us in praying for our families, city, congregation and those near to us. We meet in the person during the warm weather, and on Zoom during the cold weather months. Click here for More information
Resource Center
A our resource center is a library of both educational and entertaining (fiction and non-fiction) to help you grow in your Christian faith. This is located just right of the fireplace area in the Gathering Space.
More Information
For more information about any of our Adult Ministries, contact the office at (319) 396-6608 or by email.