Sunday Worship

Sundays at Cedar Hills

8:30am Worship Service 

  • Traditional Hymns with a mixture of modern choruses sung to piano and organ.
  • A short children’s message time in the service
  • Nursery available during the school year for 0-36mo.

11:00am Worship Service

  • Modern praise and worship music
  • Children’s Church (3yrs-3rd Grade) – children begin in the service with their families and then are dismissed to Children’s Church in the “Teal Room”.
  • Nursery available year round for ages 0-36mo.

Watch Past Messages Online – Check us out before visiting.

Give Online

Giving is an active part of worship for our regular attendees.  You can give through the Cedar Hills app, on the website, or in the baskets at the back of the Worship Center

Sunday Classes

Sunday Classes for all ages at 9:45am in between services during the school year (late August to mid-May)


Our worshiping community is friendly, diverse and laid back. You can come dressed casually in jeans, or dress up if you prefer.  Coffee, tea and hot chocolate are available in the Gathering Space before the services – come early and enjoy.


Our first service typically features a blended format of organ and piano, hymns and choruses. This is a multi-generational service.  A special children’s message is included just prior to the sermon where children ages 3-8 are invited up front for a short message and then are dismissed back to their seats.  Parents are always welcome to accompany their children up front.  Nursery for children ages 0-36months is available, as well as a feed of the service going in the Gathering Space (lobby area) for any parents who need to step out with their kids.


Sunday Classes are available for all ages (and nursery for children ages 0-36 months during the school year). Information on all class locations and topics can be found at the Welcome Center. A small coffee bar is open throughout the morning with coffee, tea and hot chocolate available for a small donation.  (Be sure to grab a welcome bag at the Welcome Center for a free voucher!)  


Our second service typically features worship teams with guitar, piano, and drums, media enhancements and an interactive message.  This is a multi-generational service. The nursery is available during this service for children ages 0-36 months and staffed with loving volunteers.   There is also Church’s Church for ages 3 to 3rd grade at the 11am service. Children will be dismissed from the regular service after the opening music and directed to the teal classroom where they can be picked up after the service.


If you’re new to Cedar Hills, please stop in for a gift bag at the Welcome Center in the lobby area. There are volunteers on hand to assist you, answer any questions you may have about Cedar Hills, and welcome you to our church.  Information in the gift bag will explain more about our church, various youth activities and the unique ministry opportunities we offer.


Giving is a regular part of our worship time, but is not an expectation of our guests.  You are encouraged to fill out a Connect Card and place this in the offering baskets. Connect cards are available at the back of the Worship Center and also at the Welcome Booth.  If you’d like to give, checks can be made directly to Cedar Hills Community Church. Or you can give securely online.


A nursery is available for children aged 0-36 months.  Children are always welcome to stay with you in the service. Tables are available in the back of the Worship Center for parents with children who need some extra room to spread out and assist their children during the services.  An audio feed of the service is running in the Gathering Space (our lobby area)  — we do ask you to be sensitive to others in the service and exit the Worship Center if your child is crying or making a lot of noise. Nursing mothers are always welcome.  There is also plenty of room in the back of the Worship Center to park any strollers or baby supplies.  Extra diapers and wipes are available in the nursery, as well as changing tables in the handicap stall of both bathrooms.  The nursery also has a special child-sized toilet for those who are still potty training.


You can access the church parking lot from both E Avenue and Stoney Point Rd.  There is plentiful parking for our services, as well as handicap spaces available near the building.  A circle drive is available to pick up/drop off passengers at the front door before parking. We ask that parking in the circle drive be limited to 5 minutes. This is also canopy covered. 


It’s okay! Our services are laid-back enough that people come and go as they need to. If you need to come in late or step out early, no one will think twice about it. Most importantly, we want you to experience the presence of God without fear of having to ‘act’ just right.


The restrooms are located to the left side of the Gathering Space. A changing table is available in both the men’s and women’s restrooms, as well as handicap facilities. The nursery is equipped with a child-sized toilet for those in the potty-training stage, as well as extra diapers and wipes in the event you need some supplies.

Handicap Accessibility

The church is all on ground level and completely handicap accessible.  There are handicap parking spaces near the front door and also a canopy for easy and quick drop-offs.  For those needing hearing assistance, devices are available for check-out at the Welcome Center.  Bluetooth devices can connect to the audio feed using the WaveCAST app.  Directions to connect are available at the Welcome Center.  Download for iphone  |   Download for Android


Don’t be afraid to contact the office.