Grow the Good – Day 17

Day 17

“In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.” Phil. 2:5

My kitchen table is my most important piece of furniture in the entire house. It’s where I offer hospitality.

A recent Global Leadership Summit speaker, Dr. Krish Kandiah, knows something about hospitality.  He is founder and director of Home for Good, a charity in the UK seeking to find loving homes for the world’s most vulnerable children.  He says, “hospitality is the opposite of prejudice.” Prejudice is an opinion that is not based on actual experience. Hospitality, or generosity shown to those who are far from home, erases opinions by providing actual experience.

Having other sinful humans seated at my kitchen table, next to my sinful self, is messy. But inviting others in and having actual experiences with them is the way to live like Christ. Inviting the sinner and his or her mess into our lives is exactly what we are called to do. Providing hospitality – this is how to move towards the same mindset as Christ Jesus. And like my kitchen table, this church building can allow for hospitality, if we take care of it.

Dear God,

Please help me with my selfish and ugly sin struggles. Though these struggles occur daily, I trust that You are with me, even in the mess. I know that You walk alongside me and love me even when I make poor choices that hurt other children of God. I know that I can call on You at any time and You will hear my cry.  Thank you.

In Your name I pray, Amen.

-Lindsey Ungs