Annual Report – Special Edition
(We will vote for these nominees at our Annual Celebration – Sunday, Nov. 4 at 12:05, immediately after the 2nd worship service. Come for cinnamon rolls and a quick 25 minute meeting.)
Elder Nominees
Bruce Crowther
Bruce became a member in 2006 and he has been a big part of Cedar Hills Church; he sets an example of using his gifts to serve. He has previously been a Youth Leader, sharing his passion for Jesus to encourage senior high students. He has also served as an Elder. He continues to serve on the Worship Team, and he is known to pitch in wherever needed, such as preparing communion for the services, helping out as a griller for fundraiser events, and pitching in to help with projects.
Robin Joens
I became a Christian as a young child. My family always talked about our faith and how God was part of everything we did. To grow in my relationship with God, I regularly attend Sunday services, participate in adult Sunday School and small group Bible study, read the Bible, and pray a lot. I believe reaching people in God’s name is important. As Christians we need to share God’s love with everyone and be Jesus to them.
Gary Mills
I was raised in a Christian home and have known Christ as my Savior for as long as I can remember. I made a public confession of faith as an 8th Grader. Currently, I attend and lead/co-lead 2 small groups, as well as mentor the “Parenting Together” class.
In the past, I have been an Elder and have taught Cross Training. I believe the core values of Cedar Hills are “spot on.” They are Biblical, have the right purpose (to glorify God) and drive our congregation in a clear (yet simple) way. The essential beliefs mean to hang onto God’s love, trust and accept the gift of salvation through Jesus, call on the power of the Holy Spirit, and go beyond our walls to share God’s love with all people.
Deacon Nominees
Melissa (Mel) Dahm
My Christian faith was the way/truth that I’ve been taught since birth and has been a steady journey through my life. Currently, I serve on Worship Team, Choir, Atmosphere Team, and just started helping with Children’s Messages this fall. The essential beliefs of the church mean to me that we were made in God’s image and free of sin. The sin we’ve experienced is our own doing and our responsibility to own and change our lives back to God’s image, no matter what circumstances today’s world throws at us.
John Davidson
My family (my wife Candi and our daughters, Sidney and Sophie and I) became members in 2010. My family attends church together regularly and focuses on saying a prayer at our evening meals together. Last year, Candi and I led a session of The Marriage Course. Several years ago, I participated in a trip with the Missions Team to Joplin, MO to help with the rebuilding there.
Josh Oberembt
I grew up in the Catholic church, but grew apart from the church after high school. It wasn’t until Melissa and I got married that I returned. We attended another church, but found that it didn’t really make us feel like a part of God’s family. We found Cedar Hills while searching for a new church and were struck by how welcoming it was. I’ve believed in God since I was a small child, but since joining Cedar Hills in 2012, my relationship with Him has been strengthened. I currently serve on the Tech Team and help with the Family Adventures. I’ve also served in the Nursery, CCB Implementation Team and helped with computer upgrades and troubleshooting.