Grace and Truth: Idol-Making
February 9, 2025
Pastor Kent Landhuis
THEME – There are no gods like GOD.
TEXT – Exodus 32:1-14
Truth #1: We are idol factories.
- Exodus 32:1
- What is an idol? It is anything that absorbs your heart and imagination more than God, anything you seek to give you what only God can give. Timothy Keller
Truth #2: Idols are worthless.
- Exodus 32:2-8
- Isaiah 44:1-23
Truth #3: There are no gods like GOD.
- Exodus 32:9-14
- This is what the Lord says – Israel’s King and Redeemer, the Lord Almighty: I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God. Who then is like me? Isaiah 44:6-7a
- Are you growing in grace and truth?
- What have you substituted for God?
**These are for your own reflection – no one will see these answers.**
In 2025, we aspire to grow in grace and truth. To measure our growth, we will assess spiritual health and spiritual maturity.
- Spiritual maturity describes the stage of development. (For example: toddler, teenager, adult).
- Spiritual health measures well-being at every stage. (For example: toddlers and teenagers can be strong and fit.)
Spiritual Maturity Assessment
CHAIR 1: I am a seeker, curious about Jesus. (Seeker)
What do I trust more than I trust Jesus?
CHAIR 2: I am a believer who follows Jesus. (New Believer)
What gets in the way of my following Jesus?
CHAIR 3: I am a committed follower who serves others. (Worker)
What do I value more than discipling another person?
CHAIR 4: I am a follower of Jesus who disciples others. (Reproducer)
What would I rather do than advance God’s kingdom?
Spiritual Health Assessment
Two very practical places to identify idol-making tendencies in your life is your calendar and your bank statement. Where you spend your time and money reveals what you value most.
Do I invest quality time in growing my relationship with God?
YES ____
Identify one thing that takes priority over time with God.
Do I invest my finances and other resources in growing God’s kingdom?
Identify one investment that takes priority over growing God’s kingdom:
(For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21)