Parents are called to nurture faith in their children. This call is not simple or easy. Our goal is to do everything within our power as a congregation to walk with parents and give them the tools they need to accomplish this vital task so that children will develop a life-long faith in Jesus. This task is so big and so important that we are pursuing a full-time Director of Family and Children Ministries. This position will be responsible for the oversight of ministry to families with children, birth through 5th Grade. The primary role for this position is to help parents in their call to disciple their children and equip others
to intentionally focus on developing children into life-long followers of Jesus. (Make disciples who make disciples—Matthew 28:18-20).
The essential duties and responsibilities include:
- Encourage, empower, and equip parents to actively nurture the faith of their children.
- Equip adults who love children to disciple children (goal 5 adults to 1 child).
- Develop teams to build a family-based discipleship ministry.
- Oversee teams by giving spiritual care, vision, recruitment assistance, and volunteer training.
We are hopeful that we will fill this position in early 2018. In January all the current programs—Cross Training, Explorers, Nursery, and All-Stars for Jesus will resume. Watch the bulletin for the latest updates. Your prayers for wisdom in this transition process are very much appreciated!
~ The Transition Team