Sunday Bulletin

March 30, 2025


Mon, March 31

  • 5:00pm-6:00pm Open Hands Food Pantry, Gathering Space
  • 6:00pm  Men’s Connection Group at Whiskey River in Palo

Tues, April 1

  • 10:00am Women’s Philippians Study, Teal Rooms

Wed, April 2

  • 10:00am-12:00pm Open Hands Food Pantry, Gathering Space
  • 5:15-6:15pm Lenten Meal
  • 6:30pm Lenten Worship Service
  • 7:05pm Prayer Meeting, Worship Center
  • 7:05pm Choir, Lime Green classroom

Sun, April 6

Thurs, April 10

  • 11:00am-8:00pm Noah’s Ark Preschool Fundraiser – Papa Murphy’s (408 Edgewood Rd NW location) *mention Noah’s Ark


– Interested in exploring our community of faith at Cedar Hills? Or, just curious about what we believe and why? The next session of “You Belong” begins today at 9:45am in the Blue classroom down the left hallway. At the end of the session, you will have the opportunity to choose to become a member. VIEW CLASS TOPICS.

EASTER LILIES – Purchase a pot of Easter Lilies to help decorate our stage for Easter Sunday. Lilies are $15, payable to the church. Order forms available at the Welcome Center and are due next Sunday, April 6. Lilies can be given in memory of a loved one. After the final Easter service, you can pick out your lily to take home.

MIDWEEK SERVICES  – Until Easter, we’ll gather on Wednesday nights for a meal and short reflection service.  The next date is April 2 with a meal from 5:15-6:15, with a 30-minute worship service at 6:30pm. Menu will be: Pigs in a Blanket and Chicken Tenders, salads, and bars/cookies. *Please RSVP on the Bulletin Response with number of people coming from your family and sign up to either help in the kitchen or bring a salad or bars/cookies.  MORE INFORMATION

– Discover or rediscover your identity in God during this one-night faith experience April 6, 5:30-8pm. The encounter is open to all those looking to grow in their faith and jumpstart their discipleship journey.  The night will include worship, teaching, discussion, and prayer! All are welcome to sign-up and come encounter God together.  MORE INFORMATION

ADOPT AN ISLAND – Do you enjoy working outdoors and landscaping? We have at least three islands in the church parking lot that need to be adopted. Welcome people to Cedar Hills by helping to provide a beautiful atmosphere! Contact Beth Larson for more information at 319-777-6257. Big thank-you to those who are faithfully continuing to maintain their islands.

 – Years ago two burial plots at Cedar Memorial Park Cemetery were donated to Cedar Hills Community Church. We are providing the congregation opportunity to purchase these plots at a reduced rate. If you are in the market and interested in learning more, please contact Sonya Schneekloth at 319-431-8573.

8:30am Easter Choir
– Join the Sanctuary Choir for Easter Sunday. Rehearsals on Wednesday nights in April immediately after the Lent service (around 7:05pm) in the Lime Classroom at the end of the right hallway.  For ages high school through adult. The Easter choir will sing at the 8:30am Easter worship service.

11:00am Easter Worship Jam
– Join the large group of singers and instruments on stage at the 11am Easter service for the Easter Worship Jam.  Practice is Monday, April 14 at 6:30pm in the Worship Center and 9:45am on Easter Sunday.  Register for the Worship Jam  Anyone interested in 2nd service worship teams, children, and all musical abilities are invited!

SUPPORT NOAH’S ARK PRESCHOOL – Stop by the Papa Murphy’s on Edgewood Rd (11am-8pm) on Thursday, April 10 and mention Noah’s Ark Preschool when you place your order.

CEDAR CAMP 2025 – 
Save the date: Sunday, June 29 – Tuesday, July 1 in the evenings.

EASTER CHOIR – Rehearsals for choir are Wednesdays, immediately after the Lenten worship service (around 7:05pm).  MORE INFORMATION

  • Wednesday, April 2 – Rehearsal (~7:05pm)
  • Sunday, April 6 – Sing at 1st service (warmup at 7:55am)

ALLIANCE GATHERING – Cedar Hills is excited to announce we will be hosting the annual gathering of our Alliance network. We are part of the Upper Mississippi Valley Network and will host pastors and key leaders from across the nation this June for two days of training and refreshing.

LAKE VIEW CAMP is excited to announce that summer camp registration is OPEN! Send your child on a great summer adventure where they will swim, fish, canoe, hike, and play crazy games – all while growing deeper in their faith. Lake View Camp offers day camps, overnight camps, service camps, and grand camps.  More information and online registration available at  Church discount code: CH2025

On Tues, Jan 28 giving statements were emailed directly from Pushpay with the subject line “Cedar Hills Community Church – 2024 Giving Statement”. Anyone without an email address on file should have a statement in their church mailbox or mailed to your home. If you would like a printed statement,  contact Jennifer in the church office.

We are reading through the entire Bible as a church in 2025! It’s definitely not too late to jump in.   Be sure to mark your progress on the giant banner in the Gathering Space. LEARN MORE


CEDAR KIDS CLUB HOUSE –  Next Sunday, April 6 is our next meeting. Club House is for kids ages Kindergarten-5th grades.  We believe in fostering a young faith (while having adventures and a great time)! 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month, 12pm-2pm.  Includes lunch.  MORE INFORMATION

PANCAKE BREAKFAST – On Palm Sunday, April 13 the Boy Scout Troop, who meets in our building, will be serving a pancake breakfast in the Gathering Space for a free-will donation, 7:30am-11:15am.  The menus is pancakes, eggs, and  sausage with juice, coffee, or milk.


  • March 30, 9:45am Faith.Quest (8th grade, THE LOFT)
  • March 30, 6:00pm: Journey Youth Group (6th-12th Grade)

  All are welcome to drop in on any Sunday. We meet at 9:45am in the left hallway Orange room.  Upcoming topics are:

  • March 30 – Lessons for Family Relationships (Ruth and Naomi)
  • April 6  – Casual Get-Together
  • April 13  – Lessons for Family Relationships (Hannah)

–  All ages are welcome to join a Sunday class at 9:45am. Children and youth please register online.  Adult classes include:

  • Faith.Quest for 8th Graders with Paula Stevens, (THE LOFT).
  • James/Peter with Joanne Lodge, (TEAL ROOM).
  • How to Peel the Biblical Onion with Pastor Kent, Dan Hakken, Gary Mills and Bob and Lora Schneider, (RESOURCE ROOM).
  • Who Am I?  with Alan Crandall and Tim King, (RED ROOM).
  • Parenting Together (team of teachers), (ORANGE ROOM).
  • You Belong Class (starts March 30), (BLUE ROOM)

Join us at our new time on Wednesdays at 7:05pm for prayer, immediately after the Lenten service in the back of the Worship Center.  These meetings are for anyone! Even if you are uncomfortable praying out loud, come and just agree with us in prayer. You are welcome here.

– All men are welcome to join us at 6pm, Monday, March 31 at Whiskey River in Palo. Enjoy fellowship, drinks and trivia. MORE INFORMATION


PANTRY UPDATE – The most-needed items are: canned fruit, diced tomatoes and rice. Drop-off items is in front of the Missions Board in the Gathering Space.

Sara Ulmer, daughter of Kate and Jack Ulmer is in the process of trying to get a new diabetic support dog trained as her current dog is needing to retire.  This is a very expensive process and Sara would appreciate any financial help you would be willing to provide for her with this effort.  More information about this process and how to contribute can be found at  Thanks for any help you feel led to provide!

– A great resource that we have purchased for our church that gives our members access to Biblical children’s TV shows, family friendly videos, and lots and lots of Bible studies for individual use and small group use.  It is an app for your phone and smart TVS.  FIND OUT MORE

FACEBOOK GROUPS – We have many groups on Facebook that you may want to connect to and be a part of.   Here are the links to join:

OTHER LINKS: Cedar Hills YouTube, Cedar Hills on Facebook 

Ascension Ministries is holding a weekly French-speaking worship service Sundays at 12:30pm in the lime classroom. Les Ministères de l’Ascension organisent un service de culte hebdomadaire francophone le dimanche à 12h30 dans la salle de classe Lime.

Providing a quality education experience to preschoolers in Cedar Rapids since 1969. Registration is open for the 2025-2026 school year.  Call for a tour! 319-396-3125.  Visit

LIVE SERVICE FEEDS – now available on YouTube and our website  If you have a smart TV, you can now watch services on your TV via the YouTube app! Follow us at

Messages of inspiration and encouragement
from Cedar Hills leadership.

Dust to Dust
by Pastor Kent Landhuis

Dust shows up in the Bible 100 times. The first is in Genesis 2:7. “Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” We were made from dust and to dust we will return… READ MORE

Answer Me When I Call (Psalm 4)
by Leah Carolan

Every few months, a community I’m a part of holds a scripture memory challenge.  We have one week to memorize whatever passage of scripture we want… READ MORE

Love. Belong. Serve.