Annual Celebration
This Sunday we’ll gather together as a full church community for our Annual Celebration. A potluck will immediately follow the 2nd worship service at 12:15pm, followed by the congregational meeting at 1pm. (If your last begins with A-N, bring a main dish. O-T, bring a salad. U-Z, bring a dessert.) Child care will be available at 1pm for children 0-2yrs.
Attending is important to active participation in the life of our church in numerous ways:
How is God at work?
We’ll hear stories of how God is at work within our church community and celebrate what He is doing. We have a lot for which to be grateful and will hear highlights from the year including the “State of the Church Report” from Pastor Kent.
United in Worship
We don’t often have opportunities to worship as a full church with members from both services. What blessing to be able to gather together in one place! We’ll open with a short time of worship and prayer as a full church body.
Elect Consistory
We’ll elect elders and deacons to serve on Consistory (the RCA name for the church board). This matters because God will use these newly elected leaders to lead our church Body for a three-year term. For more on the roles of elders and deacons in the Reformed Church and our structure of leadership, there is a brief write-up on the RCA website here. We’ll also celebrate the consistory members who have completed their three-year terms.
2017 Budget
We’ll vote on next year’s budget and learn together how we are doing financially.
Hope to see you there!