Children & Family – March Update

Love. Belong. Serve.

Soon these three words will become very familiar to our church, as they will provide the framework and foundation for all of the ministry efforts of our entire church. We hope these words already reflect your experiences with Cedar Hills, but that may not be the case for everyone. Maybe to you, these words represent worthy aspirations for our church to pursue.

It is clear that throughout Scripture these three words (Belong, Love, Serve) are important and distinctive of the Christian faith, for any age and place in their spiritual journey. Wherever you’re at, these three simple words represent some BIG priorities that we believe are central to making disciples who make disciples. In light of the Great Commission in Matthew 28:16-20, we must approach the harvest field like in Luke 10:2, with a humble mindset. Some of those “laborers” for the gospel are wearing diapers today. However, they are no less valuable to the Kingdom work that lies ahead. We should behold the words of Charles H. Spurgeon, “If we dream that the Lord will not notice the little and insignificant, what do we think of this text: Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?

And one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father’s care (Matthew 10:29)? Does God care for sparrows but not care for little children?

The idea of insignificance should be set aside at once” (Spurgeon, Come Ye Children, 41-42). Thus it is of utmost importance to the Kingdom that we must help our children belong, love and serve, today, as they become disciples of Christ.

Kyle French
Director of Children & Family Ministry