Grow the Good – Day 12

Day 12

“So be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.” Phil. 1:10b-11

Would you drink water that was 99% pure? It sounds good, doesn’t it? Cool, refreshing, clear… I’d probably drink a glass of water at 99% without thinking about it.

Now imagine that the last 1% of impurities was raw sewage?  Like…poo.  There is 1% poo in your water. Would you still drink the water?  Even though one minute ago that water sounded good and inviting at 99% pure?  Surely a little poo in your water wouldn’t hurt? It’s just a little bit!

A perspective shift!

I was challenged once upon a time about a similar perspective on sin.  I try hard, but was unbothered by the ‘small sins’ of life. The ‘acceptable’ sins.  As is most of the greater-Christian culture.  But Christ calls us beyond the 99%, because the leftover 1% is still raw sewage!  He desires a bride that is pure and blameless, filled with the fruit of righteousness.  And this pursuit of righteousness is to God’s glory!  We should pursue righteousness whole-heartedly! And not be content with just a little sin.

There is no little sin. There is no big sin.  To God, sin is sin. It was never His desire for us.  Pure. Whole. Blameless. That is our pursuit.  This is our legacy as the bride of Christ.  We should never be content with just a little bit. 99% is not good enough for the King of Kings!

Heavenly Father, Forgive us for letting the ‘little sins’ be okay.  Help our hearts to desire lives that are 100% pure and spotless. Holy Spirit, empower Your people to pursue righteousness, to live differently and to be the glorious bride that Jesus desires.  And when we do mess up, help us to run quickly to the throne of grace where we can find forgiveness and be made clean again and again. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

-Leah Carolan