Day 18
“Among these people you shine like stars in the world because you hold on to the word of life.” Phil. 2:15b-16
Cedar Hills Community Church was started as a small group of people who lived in the same area of town. They worshipped together, babysat each other’s children, and brought food to each other when they were in need. Their vision of living life with God and with each other has continued for 60 years. Many of us were not even here 60 years ago, but God’s church is still here.
What were the families of early Cedar Hills like? That small group of believers were able to “hold on to the word of life.” They were able to “shine like stars.” This light has been shining in the Cedar Hills area of Cedar Rapids, Iowa and continues today. What an honor we have been given to continue that work for the Lord. What a responsibility we have to be a shining star in our neighborhoods for future generations.
Today, our facilities are showing some aging and regular wear and tear because we are using our building to shine in our community daily. Besides our programming use, Cedar Hills Church is home to many community groups who use our facilities regularly. We continue to live life with God and each other, while we “hold on to the word of life.” I think that small group of believers from 60 years ago would be pleased that we are still here, still shining a light, and holding onto the Word of God.
Father God,
Thank You for Your blessings on Cedar Hills for 60 years, and we pray that You continue to bless our community. We ask blessings on each person who enters our doors, and may we continue to honor You by being a light to our community. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
-Lois Deerberg