Journey youth kicked-off February with our biggest fundraiser, Super Bowl Subs. Thank you to everyone who supported us financially, as well as Bruce Crowther for passing on his wisdom about how to navigate the details. Over $700 was raised! This money will help pay for 6th -12th grade students to experience God’s love at camp and Rocky Mountain High this summer. More than money, it was a pleasure to have our students, youth volunteers, and parents work side-by-side to accomplish a unified goal. There were smiles, laughter, jokes told, and memories shared while serving each other together. Service is an essential element to our spiritual lives, as we heard from the Guatemala mission team. In service, we give feet to our faith. We practice self-denial, putting other people before ourselves, and unite ourselves with Jesus by letting His mind of humility be in us. Journey is so blessed to be supported by such a generous body of believers.
Steve Poole
Director of Youth and Young Adults