Making Levitical Law Fun – Seriously!

JULY 2020


On January 1 of this year, I started a year-long Bible reading program with the goal of reading through the entire Bible in one year. I’ve never done one before! And to be honest, didn’t know if I had the stick-to-it-ive-ness to keep up with the reading.  And the idea of reading certain portions of the Old Testament sounded… well, let’s be honest: Boring. Mundane. Humdrum.

The cool thing about this program is that it is accompanied by a 5-9 min podcast daily that you listen to after completing the reading. These little podcasts have made the journey through the Bible enlightening. I’ve learned more in these short audio lessons that have made the Bible exciting, intriguing, and actually a huge highlight of the day.  I LONG for my time in the Word and the understanding that comes along with it. Never in my life did I think I would enjoy reading Levitical law and the messy history of the 1 & 2 Kings.  But I love it!

Yesterday, the plan had us reading Obadiah. I didn’t even know where Obadiah was or had any hint of knowledge what is covered in this short 21-verse book of the Bible.  It shadows a current day justice of the Old Testament covenant and a coming day justice of the New Testament through the use of a stern warning to Israel’s closest relatives and neighbors, the Edomites.  “Don’t mess with my people.”

Have I got you intrigued?

I don’t know what your summer has looked like, but if finding a new normal has been tough, the routine of starting my day with Word and prayer has helped me personally remain rooted in the chaos.  I often don’t know what the rest of my day will hold, but it starts with God and that has made all the difference!  Finding just the right thing to keep me in the Word has made a huge difference.  For those who have similar Bible-reading routines, I’m curious what methods have worked for you? Group study? Personal study? Book studies? Let me know below!

Want to check out the program that’s got me so hooked? It’s The Bible Recap and can be found in the Bible App with an accompanying podcast by the same name on iTunes.


Leah Carolan
Director of Worship & Media




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