We’ve heard many stories and seen many of our church body in action this week, helping our church, neighbors and community in post-derecho storm cleanup. Thank you to all who have jumped in and helped! Whether slinging a chainsaw, prepping meals, gathering supplies, or just listening to the stories of another with an ear of compassion, we have witnessed the Body of Christ in all her gifts this week.

This particular group visited the Geiger’s house, addressing over half a dozen large trees that had fallen and clearing up debris. After a lunch break (thank you, Lisa Boldt!), they headed next door to address the house of a neighbor whose husband recently had a stroke. She was feeling overwhelmed with the mess in her yard until this group jumped in. A couple other neighbors joined in the effort, and many hands were able to address her yard!
We know there are many needs ahead of us in our community. Thank you for having open hearts to your neighbors and your communities to see how God can use you to bring His love and His Kingdom to the greater Cedar Rapids area.