Puke and Friendship

Puke and Friendship

I got puked on recently by a child in our Children’s Worship Class. The picture below shows the location of the incident.

I know it was meant to be because I was filling in for someone else that day. I had followed the very last child from the sanctuary to make sure everyone made it safely into the teal room. As I was walking into the room, this particular child was running out of the room crying. He ran directly into my loving arms…and proceeded to release the contents of his stomach on the carpet and also on my hair, shirt, jeans, and boots.

It was meant to be. I’ve retold this story several times now. It always ends in laughter and smiles. These stories have great shock value, but also they bond us together as something we can laugh over.

The carpet squares had to be changed out. Even though we did our best to clean it in the moment, or should I say AFTER the moment, the carpet was very brown.

Telling stories that create laughter are a great way to help connect people. I’m not perfect at creating conversation or even knowing what to say, but I sure do enjoy helping people to build friendships.

Friendships are built on trust. If we can all laugh at a newly shared memory, connection starts to form and grow into trust.

From nothing more than a funny story, you can see a connection that leads all the way to friendship.

Also, thanks to the person who changed out the carpet squares.

Lindsey Ungs
Connection & Communication Architect

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