Staffing Team Report


A team is at work to evaluate staffing at Cedar Hills with the goal of aligning both paid staff and volunteers so that we are poised for growth as we continue our mission of disciples making disciples in the everyday stuff of life. Our plan is to collect data from staff and ministry leaders about current and future needs, gifts, talents and passions and to develop staffing recommendations for input into the Cedar Hills budget process this fall (for calendar year 2019). In addition to this short-term focus, we will also, as a best practice, be looking at succession planning for paid staff and ministry leaders with the goal of discipling and equipping future leaders for key positions. We are guided by Acts 1, where Jesus himself, in the power of the Holy Spirit, and passed on the mission; and the disciples in turn discipled others and passed on the mission, growing the church to today. We ask for your prayers as we discern God’s voice in our process and that we would be open to God’s will and not ours for Cedar Hills, honoring our past and being open to our future.

The members of the staffing team are: Pastor Kent, Pastor Alan, Deb DeHaan, Kate Ulmer and Dana Chapman.