Grace and Truth: Idol making.
February 9, 2025
Pastor Kent Landhuis
THEME – There are no gods like GOD.
TEXT – Exodus 32:1-14
Truth #1: We are idol factories.
- Exodus 32:1
- What is an idol? It is anything that absorbs your heart and imagination more than God, anything you seek to give you what only God can give. Timothy Keller
Truth #2: Idols are worthless.
- Exodus 32:2-8
- Isaiah 44:1-23
Truth #3: There are no gods like GOD.
- Exodus 32:9-14
- This is what the Lord says – Israel’s King and Redeemer, the Lord Almighty: I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God. Who then is like me? Isaiah 44:6-7a
- Are you growing in grace and truth?
- What have you substituted for God?
**These are for your own reflection – no one will see these answers.**
In 2025, we aspire to grow in grace and truth. To measure our growth, we will assess spiritual health and spiritual maturity.
- Spiritual maturity describes the stage of development. (For example: toddler, teenager, adult).
- Spiritual health measures well-being at every stage. (For example: toddlers and teenagers can be strong and fit.)
Spiritual Maturity Assessment
CHAIR 1: I am a seeker, curious about Jesus. (Seeker)
What do I trust more than I trust Jesus?
CHAIR 2: I am a believer who follows Jesus. (New Believer)
What gets in the way of my following Jesus?
CHAIR 3: I am a committed follower who serves others. (Worker)
What do I value more than discipling another person?
CHAIR 4: I am a follower of Jesus who disciples others. (Reproducer)
What would I rather do than advance God’s kingdom?
What is your level of maturity (which chair?)
What would it take for you to grow to the next chair?
Spiritual Health Assessment
Two very practical places to identify idol-making tendencies in your life is your calendar and your bank statement. Where you spend your time and money reveals what you value most.
Do I invest quality time in growing my relationship with God?
YES ____
Identify one thing that takes priority over time with God.
Do I invest my finances and other resources in growing God’s kingdom?
Identify one investment that takes priority over growing God’s kingdom:
(For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21)