Messages of inspiration and encouragement
from Cedar Hills leadership.
Answer Me When I Call (Psalm 4)
by Leah Carolan
Every few months, a community I’m a part of holds a scripture memory challenge. We have one week to memorize whatever passage of scripture we want… READ MORE
Know What You Believe and Why You Believe It!
by Pastor Kent Landhuis
At the start of the new year we like to embark on new quests. (Resolutions!) Did you know that in the Church calendar the first Sunday of Advent starts the new year? So, what’s your resolution?… READ MORE
Who is In? Who is Out? Us or Them?
by Pastor Kent Landhuis
Have you ever considered that Christianity offers the greatest hope for overcoming this division? We offer hope because we welcome all people regardless of race or background or political views. We offer hope because we serve God as a higher and greater authority than any worldly power… READ MORE
Hope and Blue Bracelets
by Leah Carolan
As a parent of a child in the U of I children’s hospital, you are tagged with a blue bracelet as soon as your child is admitted. This blue bracelet comes with some degree of privilege. You’re able to roam the entire hospital, soaring through security check points… READ MORE
Where is the Hope?
by Pastor Kent Landhuis
Sometimes in this battle, it feels like the enemy is winning. Suffering and pain, discouragement and doubt, despair and hopelessness – the enemy can be unrelenting in his attack. Sometimes – in the face of so much evil – I feel like throwing in the towel… READ MORE
What Were You Made For?
by Frankline Tshombe
Growing up we get asked questions like ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ or ‘What do you want to study in college?’ These questions have good intent and challenge us to think far ahead. When I think of what I was made for, I can’t help but think of Ephesians 2:10… READ MORE
Pledge of Neighborliness
by Pastor Kent Landhuis
While reading the latest news about one of our ministry partners (Matthew 25), I discovered they had an initiative to help people become more neighborly. Only 3 out of 10 people across America say they know their neighbors… READ MORE
Let Go and Let God
by Frankline Tshombe
Do you often find yourself holding onto something that happened in the past? Whether it is betrayal, pain, trauma, or even a mistake someone made, we have all experienced offense in one way or another. Often times those memories linger at the back of our minds, causing us to ruminate over them… READ MORE
How do we count success?
by Pastor Kent Landhuis
At some point, while suffering through the frigid weather last week – I think it might have been in the middle of Steve’s sermon on the abundance of creation – I wondered “How many snowflakes does it take to make a snowman?”… READ MORE
Don’t Choose Milk
by Pastor Leah Carolan
In the next few days many will begin thinking about New Year resolutions… I can’t say enough great things about how my life changed about six years ago when I started prioritizing (like crazy like) daily Bible reading and memorization… READ MORE
Joy and Peace to You
by Pastor Kent Landhuis
We’ve been reflecting on “the word made flesh” all month and my prayer is that the truths described in Colossians 1 have become more real to you… READ MORE
How Resilient Are You?
by Pastor Kent Landhuis
As one year rolls into another I like to do a review. How did I fair in the past year? How did our congregation fair? We are on a mission to make disciples who flourish. I recently learned that some people call flourishing disciples “resilient disciples.” Resilient disciples… READ MORE
Err on the Side of Righteousness
by Pastor Leah Carolan
We’ve been talking about the Word Made Flesh – one of the prophetic names we use to talk about Jesus in the season of Advent. Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God, Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, Immanuel, God with Us. Word Made Flesh. Jesus. All of these names feel sacred and holy. They contain parts of God’s identity and how He has revealed Himself to us… READ MORE
The Word Became Flesh
by Pastor Kent Landhuis
I mostly take my body for granted even though most of my daily rhythms involve taking care of my body. Waking and sleeping, dressing and undressing, eating and drinking, working out and avoiding a workout – these things I do (or don’t do) mostly without much thought. As I’m prepping for the Christmas season, I’ve focused more on the significance of our bodies… READ MORE
Giving Season
by Pastor Kent Landhuis
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. It’s the time of year when every day I receive mail, emails, and texts from various organizations requesting donations. Charities, ministries, animal shelters, foundations, humanitarian causes, nonprofit institutions – they are all asking for gifts. This annual barrage of requests for my money used to annoy the heck out of me. But I’ve been rethinking this… READ MORE
Past Articles:
- Will You Be 38? by Pastor Steve Poole
- Peacemakers by Pastor Kent Landhuis
- Pointless Prayer? by Pastor Kent Landhuis
- What Prayer May Be by Pastor Steve Poole
- What is the Gospel when it isn’t wanted? by Pastor Leah Carolan
- Encountering Light by Pastor Steve Poole
- Praying From the Heart by Pastor Kent Landhuis
- Artificial Intelligence in Ministry by Lindsey Ungs
- Rinse. Wash. Dry. Repeat. by Pastor Leah Carolan
- Toasted Grahams (Celery Overtones) by Pastor Leah Carolan
- Do you use the guardrails? by Lindsey Ungs
- Friendly Prayer by Pastor Kent Landhuis