Adult Classes

Adult Discipleship: Cross Training Classes

Sundays at 9:45 AM – Cross Training Classes for preschoolers through adults with nursery staffed. Current classes for adults include:

  • Growing in Christ Together—Dig deeper into the gospel, focusing on the DNA of discipleship. Teachers: Pastor Kent, Gary Mills and Don Dykstra.
  • Grace Through the Eyes of Jesus—Study the example of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel, opportunity to share your experiences of God’s grace in our own lives. Teachers: Pastor Alan Crandall, Joanne Lodge, and Gary & Sue
  • Parenting Together—The goal for our group is to build relationships by learning from and with each other in how we can raise our kids and grow as parents in a Godly way. Teachers: Karl and Lindsey Ungs and guest
  • Financial Peace University (pre-registration required; special earlier start time at 9:30 AM). Class facilitators: Dana & Kyle Chapman and Larry & Shelly Pottebaum.