Category Archives: Advent

Ugly Sweater Sunday

On Sunday, Dec. 22 we’ll be celebrating all things joyous!  A newer tradition at Cedar Hills is wearing our favorite holiday and Ugly Christmas sweaters.  Come adorned in your favorites!

There are no Sunday classes this day, but a continental breakfast will be served throughout the morning.  The choir will be singing a special Christmas song at the 8:30am service, and the younger children are singing a few songs at the 11am service.  One of our favorite Sundays of the year!

The Giving Manger

For the season of Advent, we are including the “Giving Manger” – a daily calendar of things we can do to shine the light of Christ in our community.  Each Sunday in both services, the children will be invited forward to help light the Advent candles.  Next they’ll walk over to the manger.  If they were able to complete one of the Giving Manger tasks, they will get to add some straw to the manger to help prepare it for Jesus’ birth.  We’ll get to watch the manger fill up during the season of Advent.

If you weren’t here Sunday (or lost yours! 🙂 ) here is the Giving Manger calendar.  We’ll have some extra copies at the Welcome Center as well: