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New Elders and Deacons Installed Sunday

Sunday, January 8 our new Elders and Deacons were installed into consistory (our name for the church board.). Thanks to those who served faithfully on the board in 2016 and welcome to our new Elders and Deacons. This year we will be exploring what it means to make disciples and how we can do this more effectively. Your continued prayers for us are very much appreciated. Pray for us on January 21 as the board and staff retreat together to explore God’s leading. We are excited about a new year of reaching out with the love of God here and around the world.

Ordaining Alan Brockette to the role of Deacon.


Ordaining Kate Ulmer to the role of Elder.


2017 Elders and Deacons


Alan Brockette, Jim Flamming, Jim Humphreys, Nancy Josifek, Karen Schumacher, Willis Sneller (Chair)


Lois Deerberg, Deb DeHaan, Mike Robinson, Jerrad Swestka, Kate Ulmer, Ken Viggers


Alan Crandall, J.R. Henderson, Kent Landhuis (President)


Reset Love Rē-ˈset (verb) – 1. to move back into an original place or position | 2. to put back in the correct position for healing | 3. to restore

Remember the big, red easy button from Staples? Whenever someone is stuck, push the button and start over. “That was easy!” I wish resetting my heart were that easy. Sometimes my heart gets all muddled and disordered. I can feel the tug of fear. Envy. Failure. Pain. Bitterness. Greed. And my heart grows hard. The Bible says I should love God fully and love my neighbor as myself, but my hard heart has trouble loving. I need a reset.

Scripture can sometimes help. I read John 13. “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” I read that and think, “Good idea.” But, my heart is not in it. I need to recalibrate my heart. My heart needs a reset button. As the new year starts I am praying that God will do a work in me and the first work I am asking for is on my heart to grow in love. “God reset my heart.” That is my prayer. You can pray for that, too.

Pastor Kent

Giving Tuesday

mainlogoIt’s Giving Tuesday – a day to give back to charities and non-profits that you love to support.  Our unique challenge at Cedar Hills is to total up our spending from Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday and give 10% of your total.  Won’t you consider joining this movement of giving?

If giving to Cedar Hills, try out our new mobile app! Download from the App Store or Google Play by searching for “Cedar Hills”.  Or give directly online.

Not sure if you’re favorite organization is participating? Check out the Giving Tuesday website and do a search.


Youth Retreat Update – Two New Salvations!

brightspot“On Saturday night (November 12) at the Youth Group Fall Retreat two students accepted Christ for the first time and many others took steps to grow deeper in their faith.” ~ Jeremy Van Genderen

Last weekend the Journey student ministry went on retreat.  We’ve heard great testimonies from the weekend, but the highlight being two decisions for Christ!  Please pray for these new believers as they begin the great journey of faith.  And continue to pray for our youth as they move forward with a new hunger and desire for the gospel after their retreat.

Journey Student ministry is a place for ALL students 6th-12th grade to come walk together on their faith journey.

They meet on Sunday nights from 5:30pm-8pm at Cedar Hills Community Church.  Each night starts with a cafe time where you can purchase items like pizza, candy, chips, hotdogs, soda and Keurig coffee drinks.  Starting at 6:15pm, we rotate between large group teaching, small group discussion and games.

No matter where you are on your faith journey you are invited and welcomed to join us each and every week.