Grow the Good – Day 3

 Day 3

“In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” Phil. 1:4-5

This fall, Cedar Hills Church will be celebrating our 60th anniversary!  What a blessing when you consider the difficulty of starting a church and keeping it going.  According to Christianity Today, only 68% of church plants still exist after four years.  Sixty years is a blessing from God.  We should consider the words of Paul to the Philippians and pray with joy because God has provided for our church. We have partnered in the gospel from the beginning, starting with a small group of believers in their local neighborhood, and God is still working today.

As we celebrate, we also need to consider what God would have each of us contribute to the future of Cedar Hills Church.  We have created a building that provides a home for many different community activities, as well as church events.  Our building is being used at all hours of the day and night, sometimes even overnight.

Prayerfully consider what your role is in this partnership in the gospel.  Could you give sacrificially to extend the life of our building?  Could you volunteer in the nursery, food pantry, kitchen, or outside pulling weeds and mowing?  We have a partnership with God who did His part by sending His son to die for our sins.  What is your role in the work of the gospel for Cedar Hills as we look to the next 60 years?

Dear Heavenly Father, 

We have been so blessed to be thriving as a church for 60 years.  We know it is only through Your faithfulness and the partnership of those who have gone before us.  Help us to do our part with joy to further the gospel in our community and throughout the Corridor.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

-Lois Deerberg