Let the Thunder Roll

Let the Thunder Roll

In the Arizona mountains where I grew up, summer days were punctuated with thunderstorms. I was  fascinated by the time that elapsed between the lightning and the thunder. I would count the seconds between flash and crash. You can’t have one without the other!

The resurrection of Jesus is the lightning, and the amazing occurrences we read about in the book of Acts are the thunder. “Acts of the Apostles” is a misnomer. It might better be named the “The Acts of the Risen Jesus” because it is actually the story of the things Jesus did through those who discovered that he is alive.

During his earthly ministry, Jesus did things like healing the sick, casting out demons, and speaking forgiveness to people who didn’t think God loved them. Not everyone appreciated what Jesus did or the kind of God he revealed. His work disturbed many people, and that’s why they killed him. But the ministry of Jesus could not be stopped.

Through the resurrection Jesus was let loose on the world in a way that continues to this day. He is still alive, still working. He says, “I am with you always, to the end of the world.”

During his earthly life, the disciples followed him and carried out his instructions. Now that Jesus is risen that arrangement has not changed. Jesus is still the true missionary. We are merely his assistants and witnesses. Jesus is the only one who can change people’s lives.

We’re like nurses helping the surgeon—we hand Jesus needed surgical instruments, but he performs the operation. Our role is to bear witness to Jesus’ ongoing presence in the world. Through our lives we
say to those who need God: “Jesus is alive, and he wants to come to you with God’s saving power, just as he did for us.” And he does come, again and again!

The resurrection of Jesus is the lightning. What he’s doing in the world today (through you and
me) is the thunder. He’s calling us to be his witnesses to the ends of the earth. Let the thunder roll!

~ Alan Crandall
Pastor of Care