New Director of Noah’s Ark Preschool

The Noah’s Ark Board is pleased to announce the hiring of Kris Crowther as the Director of Noah’s Ark Preschool. Kris has worked with Noah’s Ark since 2013 and has a wonderful rapport with the children, families, and staff at Noah’s Ark. Prior to working at Noah’s Ark, Kris was Director of Children’s Ministries at Cedar Hills Community Church. In the children’s ministries role, Kris used her extensive teaching background to work with volunteers to grow the ministries of Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS).

Kris will complete the school year as the Lead 3-year old Teacher and Lunch Bunch Coordinator while training as the incoming director. In June, Kris will take on the full responsibilities as Noah’s Ark Preschool Director while leading the summer program.

Kris shared with the hiring committee her desire to see a stronger partnership with the ministries of the church and more Noah’s Ark families involved in those ministries. Kris brings to this position her ideas for encouraging more families to choose a faith-based preschool for their child and supporting the families that choose Noah’s Ark Preschool for their children. Kris said: “I believe strongly in the benefits that a Christian Preschool can offer students and families. Noah’s Ark Preschool promotes social, emotional, language, cognitive and increased motor skills by using play, toys, games, art and music.”

As Noah’s Ark Preschool enters its 50th year this fall, we are fortunate to have Kris to provide continuity and growth to the ministry of Noah’s Ark.

Allison Johnson