Noah’s Ark is hosting a Blood Drive on March 3! If you are able to donate, please consider giving of your time. Not only do you help people in our community who desperately need that blood, but if we get enough donations, Noah’s Ark receives grant money that can be used for supplies in our classrooms. We run a pretty tight budget and every dollar helps us provide a great Christian education to our students.
Wickiup will be visiting us in March. They are always a favorite guest at our school. They bring birds and animals for us to look at.
Ice Cream in March? Our annual Ice Cream Social is this month also. Students and their families look forward to this event to meet other families at our school while enjoying a bowl of ice cream, and don’t forget the toppings!
Spring Break is March 16-20.
Other topics this month are: Dinosaurs, Bees, and our fun Teddy Bear Clinic!
Kris Crowther
Director of Noah’s Ark Preschool