Only One Life


One of our “senior saints” shared this rhyme with me recently. It’s a motto that has determined his priorities through many busy years. He’s retired now, and not strong physically any more, but he’s still living his life, every day, for Christ. When our care team takes communion to his home, we recite the rhyme together like a creed.

And it’s made me think a lot about my own life. Each of us has the same twenty-four hours each day, seven days a week. I’ve been given just one life to live. And God made me for the purpose of centering that one life around Him. If I try to build my life around me at the center, that is no life at all, at least no life of significance.

Jesus said, “If you try to keep your life for yourself you will lose it, but if you give up your life for me, you will find true life.” Living our lives as the family of God, in loving service to others, is the life we were made for. That is truly life. In fact, it’s the beginning of eternal life.

“Only one life . . . .” Take a moment right now to say the little creed out loud. “Only what’s done for Christ . . . .” Keep it in your heart today, and Christ will transform all your hours, days, weeks and years to be a stream of love that will last forever.

God bless you!
Alan Crandall
Pastor of Care