Donating Items

We are blessed to be a part of a very giving congregation. At Cedar Hills, we invite non-perishable food or hygiene donations for the Open Hands Food
Pantry. The pantry doesn’t have space to be a donation site for other types of items. Please take other items directly to:

Medical Items?
Donate to: Grace Episcopal Medical Lending Closet.
Contact: 362-1929

Clothing, jewelry, purses, baby equipment, and some furniture?
Donate to: Treasures.
Contact: 364-1988
(*larger items to Salvation Army)

Building Materials?
Donate to: Habitat for Humanity ReStore.
Contact: 319-294-1500

Thank you for delivering directly to an organization, who is better equipped to distribute these types of items. If you have other ideas,
contact Jennifer to share: 396-6608.