Operation Christmas Child is a yearly event at Cedar Hills. The concept is simple – fill a shoebox with fun toys, necessities like socks, and it gets shipped around the world to a child in need, including a beautiful message of God’s great love for them.
Put together your Operation Christmas Child box now! Boxes will be available in the Gathering Space beginning Sunday, October 25. These go fast, but don’t worry! You do NOT need an official OCC shoebox to participate. Directions for filling the box can be found on the box itself or at the website: https://samaritanspurse.org/operation-christmas-child/pack-a-shoe-box/
Boxes need to be returned to the church by Sunday, November 15. Another option is to build an online box at https://samaritanspurse.org/operation-christmas-child/buildonline/ – a new feature for 2020!