Sermon Guide

Grace and Truth: God’s Army
Pastor Steve Poole

 THEME – “In the wilderness” surrounding Mt. Sinai, God’s glory dwelt in an orderly fashion among His people… They all had a position in relation to God’s presence in the Tabernacle… Our identity in Jesus is so much greater and more intimate than the presence of God they experienced.”

TEXT – Numbers 2:1-4

Truth #1: We are God’s army.

  • Ephesians 6:10-12
  • Colossians 2:13-15

Truth #2: Jesus has won the victory!

Truth #3: We fight by standing in and declaring God’s truth.

  • 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
  • “We are in a war against the lies of the devil. Thus we proclaim the truth, seeking to persuade others.” ~Martin Pakula, Numbers: Homeword Bound


  1. Join God’s Army
  2. Declare God’s truth to the lies and strongholds in your life.
  3. Use the self-assessment to reflect on your spiritual maturity.


Week 8: Growing in Grace and Truth

We are growing in grace and truth. Healthy things grow and we are the kind of people who measure our growth. One way to measure spiritual health and maturity is to consider our stage of development using the 4 chairs:

Chair 1: I am a seeker, curious about Jesus. (Seeker)
Chair 2: I am a believer who follows Jesus. (New Believer)
Chair 3: I am a committed follower who serves others. (Worker)
Chair 4: I am a follower of Jesus who disciples others. (Reproducer)

What is your level of maturity (Which chair?) and what would it take for you to grow to the next chair?

When making decisions, I look for God’s guidance first.
1=Never   2=Seldom   3=Sometimes   4=Frequently  5=Always

When seeking God’s guidance I turn to God’s Word.
1=Never   2=Seldom   3=Sometimes   4=Frequently  5=Always

When seeking God’s guidance I pray.
1=Never   2=Seldom   3=Sometimes   4=Frequently  5=Always

When seeking God’s guidance I turn to other believers.
1=Never   2=Seldom   3=Sometimes   4=Frequently  5=Always