60th Annual Congregational Meeting

Sunday, Nov. 3 is our annual congregational meeting. This gathering is a 20 minute update on where we are as a church and we also affirm the nominations for elders and deacons.  Elders and deacons make up our church board, also called ‘Consistory’.  We’ll also vote on the proposed 2020 budget.  Information to be discussed can be found in the 2019 Annual Report.

All members of Cedar Hills are highly encouraged to attend and participate in this inner life of our church.  The meetings are short and are actually quite interesting! They will give you a unique glance into the workings of Cedar Hills and you’ll have a chance to meet some of the beyond-the-scenes leadership.

To learn more about the roles of elders and deacons, visit our denomination website: www.rca.org. Below is a brief synopsis.

Deacons: The Greek word in the Bible for deacon, diakonos, means servant. Deacons play a key role in moving the church into missions of justice, mercy, and compassion. Deacons are called by the church to be leaders in ministries of service. The church recognizes that deacons have been given special “gifts” to prepare all God’s people for the work of Christian service in order to build up the body of Christ (Eph. 4:12, TEV). Deacons are called by God for the ministry of mercy, service, and outreach. They shall serve those in distress and need and shall minister to the sick, poor, hurt, and helpless

Elders: Are responsible for sound teaching and discipline within our church, and for the spiritual well-being of the congregation. The office of the elder is one of servanthood, representing Christ through the action of the Holy Spirit. In the local church, elders are chosen members who show spiritual discernment, lead exemplary lives, have charitable spirits, and embody wisdom grounded in God’s Word.

Cedar Hills Congregational Meeting Agenda
November 3, 2019


    • Inspire the congregation with God’s vision for Cedar Hills.
    • Inform the congregation about current state of ministry at Cedar Hills.
    • Affirm Elders, Deacons, and the budget for the coming year.

Welcome and Prayer
Lois Deerberg

Approval of 2018 Minutes as Distributed
Gary Mills

Cedar Hills Bright Spots
Pastor Kent

Financial Reports
Alan Brockette

      1. Ministry Impact
      2. 2019 Financial Overview and 2020 Budget

Affirmation of 2020 Budget
Lois Deerberg

Affirmation of Elders and Deacons
Lois Deerberg

Thanks and Closing
Pastor Alan