Tag Archives: Front Yard Club

Pledge of Neighborliness

Pledge of Neighborliness

While reading the latest news about one of our ministry partners (Matthew 25), I discovered they had an initiative to help people become more neighborly. Only 3 out of 10 people across America say they know their neighbors.

We are the kind of people who are called to love our neighbors. It is the second great commandment. It seems to me that we can’t love our neighbors if we don’t know them. Matthew 25 encourages neighborliness with the Front Yard Club. Here are some of the pledges of Front Yard Club Members:

  • Foster a welcoming front yard.
  • Make time in your week to be in your front yard.
  • Be a steward for the health and safety of your neighborhood.
  • Have fun!

Front Yard Club Membership sounds easy enough and these items made me think of a couple more:

  • Smile at everyone you see.
  • Greet everyone who walks past.
  • Listen for Holy Spirit promptings.

And, as I pondered neighborliness, it struck me that we can smile, greet, and listen to people everywhere we are. Home, school, work, the park, the gym, the store – even at church – we could be better neighbors.

What do you think? Ready to take the pledge?

Kent Landhuis
Pastor of Teaching & Leadership

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