Tag Archives: Small Group Resources

Rooted: A Resource for Small Group Leaders

Rooted: A Resource for Small Group Leaders

For years my men’s small group did what I call “no homework” lessons. We read a passage or used a handout that I passed out at the beginning of each small group and that way nobody had to feel bad about being unprepared.

This year I offered a different plan. I suggested using the Rooted workbook which has daily readings and homework that we followed up with a group discussion when we met. The group blew me away in the thoroughness of their prep, they were very engaged, and reported loving our group time.

After we completed that workbook they wanted to keep doing this style of lesson and so we are now using the second book The Story of God. It is a deeper dive into the whole story of scripture from Genesis to Revelation in 8 weeks. We love it! Doing the extra prep work has deepened our discussion and while not everyone completes all the daily work every week, everyone has plenty to add to the group discussion.

Both books are from the Rooted Network. https://www.experiencerooted.com/

Kent Landhuis
Pastor of Teaching & Leadership

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