Journey – October 2018

What a great start to the year we have had a Journey. On our kick-off night in August we had nearly 50 students show up to have fun and hear about Journey. Each week we will be walking through different books of the Bible. Before Christmas, we will engage with Galatians and James and after Christmas we are going to dive into Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians. If you have a student in 6th-12th Grade, please make sure they join us on Sundays from 5:30-7 PM.

There are two big events to get on your calendar to that your students are sure to be there:

#1. Dare2Share Live
Sat, Oct 13, 11 AM-6:30 PM at Faith Bible Church in CR. This annual event consists of speakers, worship, and a nationwide canned food drive. The purpose is to train us to be able to talk to others about our faith. The cost is $20 and is open to all students 6th-12th Grade and their friends.

#2. Fall Retreat
Nov 16-18 at Sunstream Retreat Center in Ogden is our 7th annual fall retreat. This weekend is a great time of growing deeper in our faith and growing closer together. We will have an inspiring speaker, meaningful worship, and an opportunity to engage in games like glow-in-the-dark dodgeball, rock-climbing wall, and ziplines. The cost is $60 and more info coming soon.

Jeremy Van Genderen
Director of Youth &Young Adults

God Reveals. We Respond.

Many have asked this question and there are just as many responses online if you google it. What is worship? What qualifies and what doesn’t? What does transformational worship look like? Is there a right way and a wrong way? Who has it figured

In all my years of classes and schools and degrees and traveling around North America, I think you can make a great case for this explanation:

God reveals Himself, and we respond. 

Director of Worship & Media

Noah’s Ark – October 2018 Update

We are excited that school has finally started! We currently have 48 students enrolled in our program. We do have some openings. If you know of anyone, who is interested, please have them call our office, 396-3125.

It’s been fun getting to know the little ones and learning their names. There are less and less tears as the children are getting use to us and finding out that we have a lot of fun at preschool.

All the children learned about a man named Noah and his great big boat and that he listened to God. We talked about friends and families and how not all families look the same and that is just fine.

Soon everyone will be looking for signs of fall.

Thank you to everyone who has brought snacks, supplies, and paid all their fees on time! I just want to remind parents to label your child’s jacket/coat and their backpack.

We are off to a great start on our 49th year at Noah’s Ark Preschool. Thanks for trusting us to care for and to teach your precious little ones!

In Christ,
Leslie Clauson
Noah’s Ark Preschool Director

Consistory News October 2018

Since J.R.’s resignation as Pastor of Spiritual Formation, the Consistory has been evaluating staff needs and possibilities. A special task force was charged with exploring short and long-term gaps and opportunities. This task force engaged a process
of discernment that included prayer, discussion, and feedback from the staff and congregation.

The task force made two recommendations to the Consistory in September:

  • Short-term recommendation. After conducting interviews of staff and ministry leaders we determined that much is going well, particularly
    Sunday morning worship, teaching ministries, children’s/youth ministries, and music. Key areas for improvement include lack of timely communication,
    lack of coordination in ministries, need to engage more individuals in ministry, and need for an increased ownership of ministry by members
    of the congregation. These gaps led us to this recommendation: That we hire a part-time communications and project manager/director
    position in 2019.
  • Long-term Recommendation: The longer term issues of succession planning and strategic planning need additional Consistory, staff, and
    congregational input. We recommend a Fall retreat that will focus on vision, mission, and strategy with a specific eye toward staffing and
    succession planning.

The Consistory affirms the value of the long-term recommendation and will be convening this retreat soon. We also will continue discernment of the short-term recommendation by developing a job description and exploring the budget implications for the 2019 budget. We welcome your prayers for this process of discernment. Also, please pass your feedback or questions to any staff or Consistory member.

Vocabulary of Transformation

Our dream is that we will be disciples who make disciples in the everyday stuff of life so that every man, woman, and child in our community will have a daily encounter with Jesus in Word and deed. As this happens, God will grow us to be agents of Gospel transformation and we learn the vocabulary of Gospel transformation.

  • Sept 30: Gospel Identity
  • Oct 7: Gospel Freedom
  • Oct 14: Gospel Worship
  • Oct 21: Gospel Truth
  • Oct 28: Gospel Hospitality
  • Nov 4: Gospel Repentance

Sunday Morning Services: 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM

Dwell in the Word – October 2018

Meditate on John 3:1-21. Below are verses 14-20.

14 Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up,
15 that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.
19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.
20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.

Dream Again

At our most recent classis meeting, one of the speakers asked the question, “What are you dreaming about?” The question grabbed my attention because I was just starting to slip into a daydream. Was he reading my mind? Was I busted? What are you dreaming about?

The question was really asking about passion and calling. What is the dream that excites you, engages your imagination, and energizes you to take action? Do you dream about strengthening your marriage? Becoming a better parent? Getting healthy? Making more money? Learning a new skill? Climbing the ladder of success?

Do you dream about helping others? Visiting the lonely? Caring for the sick? Helping those who lack resources? Reaching out to those who do not know Jesus? Loving our neighbors? Transforming our community?

Do you dream about solving a problem? Conquering addictions? Solving poverty? Ending abuse and injustice? Stopping slavery and human trafficking? Resolving conflict and violence? Overcoming corruption and exploitation? Do you dream about growing love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control?

What do you dream about? Do you have a personal dream that excites you or a bigger dream—a global dream—that energizes you? The speaker at classis said, “Everyone needs a dream.”

As a congregation we are developing a dream. You might say that we are dreaming again about making a difference in our homes, our neighborhoods, and the entire corridor. We are dreaming about transformation. This is a passion and a calling. That excites me. Does it excite you?

The Lord be with you,
Pastor Kent

Missions in Brno

Beth sharing about her mission in Brno
Praying for Beth

Last Sunday, we welcomed Beth Larsen who is currently serving as a missionary to Brno, Czech Republic.  Beth shared about her role in Brno, both the blessings and struggles of ministry. Please continue to pray for God to use Beth in a mighty way as she spreads the Gospel to the people of Brno.

Women’s Revival – Oct 4

Calling all ladies! The next meeting of Women’s Revival is Thursday, October 4, 2018 from 6-8pm.  At this gathering, the ladies will be doing a service project with Days For Girls, a mission that creates hygiene kits for girls in other countries who don’t have access to supplies for ‘those days’.  By creating the kits, the girls can continue to attend school verses missing school and eventually dropping out.

Bring a snack to share!  Invite your moms, aunts, friends and neighbors to come along.


Christian College Resource

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Looking for a great resource for Christian colleges in Iowa?  Here are couple of links that you may find useful in your pursuit of where God might be calling you after graduation — including online degrees:

Christian Colleges in Iowa:
Online Christian Degrees:

A few topics covered at

  • A complete directory of Christian colleges and seminaries in Iowa
  • Christian scholarships for Iowa residents
  • Career and salary expectations for faith-related fields in Iowa
  • Resources to help students get plugged into churches and Christian ministries in their college town
  • Most popular online Christian degrees

Many of the RCA schools we support also offer scholarships for those holding active memberships in the Reformed Church in America.

RCA Seminaries:

  • Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan – Grants
  • New Brunswick Theological Seminary in New Brunswick, NJ and Queens, NY – Scholarships

Love. Belong. Serve.