In dwell, dwell in… What’s the deal?

This Fall, we kick-off the start of a year long commitment to learning about the Bible. While dwelling in the Word, we know that Christ will indwell our hearts. When we dig into the Word, we cannot escape that God will reveal Himself in big ways and fill us with His presence. It will be so worth it!! So dwell in the Word and let the Word dwell in you. Simple, yes?

Any change of habit takes time, commitment and practice. If you’re not used to dwelling in the Word, it’s going to take some change. What do you need to give up to make regular time for the Word? How does your schedule need to be rearranged? And are you serious enough about taking on this new habit that you’re willing to actually make the changes?

I don’t know about you, but I’m HUNGRY. I see within myself the need to make reading and dwelling into the Word a greater priority in my life. I know I often feel spiritually empty because this one component is missing my from spiritual journey.

Even as mature Christians, there is so much more for us to learn in the Word and should not be neglected (preaching to myself!). Let’s do this! Will you join us in the journey? Are you ready to be amazed by what God has to say and what He will reveal to us in the next year? I am! August 20 begins this year long journey to Dwell.

Leah Carolan
Director of Media & Worship

Flying Away to Camp

In Alaska it isn’t always easy to drive your child to camp, many times they need to be flown. RCA missionary Brian Bruxvoort saw the need and as a pilot decided he could do something about it. He loads up his airplane with children and teenagers and flies them from the home villages to camp. Last summer, he flew 356 teenagers from 36 villages to 4 camps across Alaska. Of those 356, many of them professed faith in Christ. Through Brian’s ministry the lives of children and teenagers were changed.

Praise God!

–Cedar Hills Missions Team

Two Ministries in Niger

That’s right, because of your generous support, we are able to help two ministries in Niger—Jeremy and Susan Beebout and
Words of Hope. Susan is a physician while Jeremy specializes in agriculture, both vital services. Currently, one of their main projects is building a much needed nursing school. Words of Hope is working with the Evangelical Church of Niger to plant 52 new churches within a span of 5 years! Radio programs are produced in local tribal languages of the people they are trying to reach. Contact phone numbers are provided at the broadcast.

— Cedar Hills Missions Team

Lead the Cause

Back in June we took 6 students and 2 adults to Lead the Cause in Chicago. During this week, our students learned to share  their faith with anyone and everyone. Since returning, our students have brought others into the ministry with them as they
walked the malls and pools of Cedar Rapids with a focus of connecting others to Jesus. Please pray for this passion and  boldness to continue and that God would start a revival in the hearts of this community. We need your help with prayer and
action. Join us as we follow the leading of God for His people!

We believe Journey Student Ministry is extremely valuable in the lives of each student and we need your help to keep reaching out to more students. If you are interested in joining the student ministry as a leader, please let me know. We are currently in need of 2 male leaders to round out our fall leadership team.

Jeremy Van Genderen
Director of Youth and Young Adults

The Marriage Course

Update – Registration is now full.

How would you say your marriage is doing?

Introducing “The Marriage Course”, a 7 week study designed to help couples learn practical ways to build a stronger foundation, communicate more effectively and resolve differences well.  Some couples do the course to intentionally invest in their relationship while others are looking to address more specific challenges. Either way, the course offers essential tools and ideas to help you build a relationship that lasts a lifetime. Space is limited so register early.

Brief Description

  • The Marriage Course is a series of seven sessions, designed to help couples invest in their relationship and build a strong marriage.
  • Nicky and Sila Lee, authors of The Marriage Book, developed The Marriage Course for couples looking for practical support to strengthen their relationship. The course is designed to help couples build strong foundations, learn to communicate more effectively and resolve differences well.
  • The Marriage Course is for couples who are seeking to strengthen their relationship. Some couples do the course to intentionally invest in their relationship, others are looking to address more specific challenges. Either way, the course offers essential tools and practical ideas to help you build a relationship that lasts a lifetime.
  • The Marriage Course is based on Christian principles but designed for all couples with or without a church background.
  • On The Marriage Course you are seated at your own table for two. Each course is unique, but usually every session will include: food, a practical talk and a time for private discussion between you and your partner.
  • You never share anything about your relationship with anyone other than your partner. Background music ensures that you can chat in complete privacy.


  • Sundays from 5:30-8pm
  • September 24 – November 5, 2017


  • $35/couple
  • Includes books, course, and main food course
  • Couple will be asked to participate by bringing a dessert or side dish for 5 of the 7 sessions


  • Childcare can be made available based on the needs of the registered participants.
  • Dinner for the children will also be determined based on the needs of the registered participants.

Registration is full. Register now. After filling out the form, you’ll be given a link to complete payment. You may pay via this link or in the church office. Registration is not complete until payment has been made.

Fall Kick-Off T-Shirts

Already ordered your shirt in person? Go here to pay online.
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

The Fall Kick-off is quickly approaching and the new t-shirts are ready to be ordered! Demo shirts will be on display in the Gathering Space in men’s and women’s sizes to try on and find the perfect fit.  Final orders and payments must be received by Monday, July 31.  Shirts are $15.  Payments can be made by cash or check to the church office, or in the Cedar Hills App.  If paying online or in the app, use the “give” button, and make sure you choose “Fall Kick-Off T-shirt” from the ‘fund’ menu. (See designs below). Order online or  pay now for an existing order.

Kick-off Sunday is August 20.

All classes and ministry teams that took a break for the summer will begin again that week. Join us for an open house on August 13 to find your new Cross Training classes, meet the teachers, and get oriented before the big day.

Men’s Shirts
Women’s Shirts
Paying in the app

Rocky Mountain High 2017

On July 21, 13 students and three adults will be making the trip to Rocky Mountain High. During this week, they will have an opportunity to engage in worship with over 2,000 other students, rise early to spend time in God’s Word, enjoy the Rocky Mountains and much more. This is always an impactful week spiritually for the students. Families still talk about this trip decades later. Here are some ways to join us this week:
#1: Pray our students grow spiritually this week.
#2: Pray that God protects this group as they travel to and from Colorado.
#3: Ask God to have the impact of this week make ripple effects in the lives of those the students came in contact with when they return.

We believe Journey Student Ministry is extremely valuable in the lives of each student and we need your help to keep reaching out to more students.

If you are interested in joining the student ministry as a leader, please let me know. We are currently in need of 2 male leaders and 2 female leaders to round out our fall leadership team.

Jeremy Van Genderen
Director of Youth and Young Adults

Where Are You Today?

Have you ever had a season where the Christian journey is fascinating and awe-filled? When God seems to step-in in the biggest way possible and intervene at just the right moment with an awesome answer to prayer, a miracle, a deep revelation of something in His Word, or the advice from a friend at just the right time that somehow just ‘clicked’ in your brain?

Have you ever had a God sighting? A moment where something supernatural took place and you are not even sure how to describe it? And you’re not even sure you want to share it because you think those around you might think you’re crazy or not truly understand what just happened to you?

Have you ever had a season where the Christian life seemed kind of hum-drum? Where you go about your regular routine but there are no significant God sightings, no huge moments of revelation, nothing new that strikes you in the Word? When prayer seems dull, and God’s voice seems silent or a little too quiet? And life just seemed to drag on and on and on without anything happening?

Have you ever wanted and needed so desperately to hear from God and for Him to intervene and yet He seems silent? And you wonder to yourself, “Maybe this time He won’t answer even though He’s answered so many times before?” When life seems hopeless, but you cry out for help anyway? And you cannot find a way out, but you hold a glimmer of hope that maybe God has a way out? But he’s not moving when you NEED Him to move?

Have you ever just been content with your Christian life. You have no expectations of God doing anything miraculous, but you enjoy His Word and prayer, and fellowship with other Christians, but have zero expectations that there could or should be something more than this?

Just curious. Where are you today?

Leah Carolan
Director of Worship & Media

Consistory Governance

The Consistory is the governing board that leads our congregation. We govern by writing policies to keep us on mission. We exist so that people will grow in their love for God (Love). We exist so that people will grow in their faith in Jesus Christ (Grow).  We exist so that people will grow in their love for each other (Serve). We exist so that people will find hope through faith in Jesus Christ (Seek).

Culture is not something we usually think about. It’s like water to a fish or air to a bird. It’s simply the environment we live in. Culture is one of the most important factors driving an organization. Unhealthy cultures produce bad results. Healthy cultures produce good results.

Webster defines culture as “the predominating attitudes, values, and behaviors that characterize the functioning of a group or organization.” In this sense, culture in inescapable. You can’t not have a culture, and every culture is either healthy, unhealthy, or somewhere in between. Our calling as a Consistory is to build a God-honoring, Christ-centered, grace-filled, biblically sound, kingdom-focused congregation. This culture will be healthy and result in these kinds of fruit:

  • Real Community. Everyone matters. Everyone belongs. Everyone contributes. Together is better.
  • Speaking the truth in love. Truth is not hoarded but shared.
  • Great teams. The right people serving in the right places at the right time.
  • Passionate. Everyone is free to follow God’s calling which results in passion.
  • Grace-full, grateful and generous. We are blessed to be a blessing!

What would you add to this list? Share your suggestion with any consistory member or staff.

Pray for us as we seek to build a kingdom culture.

Love. Belong. Serve.