Category Archives: Cedar Blog

When a Scripture Gets Stuck in Your Head

When a Scripture Gets Stuck in Your Head

Do you ever get a verse stuck on the mind that you haven’t thought about in months (or maybe more) and wonder why you suddenly are pondering/singing that verse on repeat?

“Because He himself suffered when He was tempted, He is able to help those who are being tempted.” – Hebrews 3:18

That’s the song playing over and over in my mind today and I haven’t thought about this verse in a long time. (I looked in my records and it looks like I set it to music in early 2022).

So I had to stop and ask God, “Why are you highlighting this verse??!!” because I believe this is one of the awesome ways the Holy Spirit works in us as we put the scriptures in our hearts and minds.

When I started asking questions, it was like God began to highlight parts of this verse that I had previously skimmed over. It wasn’t just that Jesus was tempted as we are tempted and we can have victory because He had victory… but that He suffered when tempted. That’s the new part God highlighted for me that I’ve never noticed before—being tempted comes with agony and suffering. He deeply felt the burden of the temptation itself. Isn’t that fascinating??

I hope I’m not reading too much into the text, but I am now seeing that Jesus, as fully human, felt that agony of temptation in ways that we feel it. It wasn’t like it was an easy streak for Him just because He was also fully God.

Somehow this epiphany brings me great comfort in my struggles. IT WAS HARD FOR JESUS, too.

And I can see this now, all because God brought a verse to mind. When this happens, I’m going to be quicker to ask, “Why this verse, God?

Leah Carolan
Pastor of Worship & Media

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    What is the Gospel when it isn’t wanted?

    What is the Gospel when it isn’t wanted?

    What is the gospel to one who seemingly doesn’t “want it”, to one whose life seems pretty good, whose life is successful, whose dreams are coming together just the way they want in their career and family and position? And to one who is actually hostile towards the idea of a Supreme Being that leads His people via an outdated book, calling allegiance to some dude named Jesus?

    This has been my ponderings this week.  I have a friend that is this person.  How and what do I share with her?

    It gets even more complicated that her job and entire livelihood is tied into the worship of false gods.  She is an artisan of mystical and spiritual products–a coming-to-Jesus would eventually mean having to turn from creating art she’s mastered and developed for the last decade, and her family’s sole income.

    It just gets so messy when I think about the Gospel and my friend.

    It breaks my heart, actually, that I find myself at a loss of words.  I feel tongue-tied.  I am grieved.  And her salvation weighs heavily on me because I care deeply for the whole family.

    I keep thinking I need to ‘craft’ it just right to apply it to her life, looking for just the right inroad to make it all make sense. After stewing this over for a few weeks, I have come to this conclusion:

    The Gospel doesn’t change.  Whether fertile soil, or seed tossed on dry ground that the birds are just going to eat up, the Gospel is the Gospel. God’s good news is still the good news. I don’t have to curate it.

    And that good news is this:  We were created by a loving and Holy God that desires communion and fellowship with us and we were specifically designed by Him for this very communion.  But because we have chosen sin over his light, we can’t be in His presence.  He is that holy.

    And so we are separated from Him.

    But because of His great love for us, He always had a plan to restore us back into relationship with Him. And that plan is Jesus.  In His great love, Jesus, God’s Son, left his throne in heaven and came to earth.  He was born fully human, and yet fully God, and walked with us to know and experience the fullness of all humanity.  But he never sinned. He was perfect.  And in His perfection, He chose to die and take all of the punishment that we deserved upon Himself.

    Imagine if you were standing before a judge who was about to cast sentence on you for a heinous crime, and someone stands up and says, “I’ll take the death penalty for them and stand in their place.”

    It’s that serious, my friends.  Our sin (all sin, no matter how big or small) is deserving of death.  And Jesus’ willingly chooses to die for us.  We talk about his death on the cross—that moment on the cross is our death penalty fulfilled in Jesus.  But He didn’t stay dead!  He came back to life and conquered death and conquered sin! What?? Like, who does that?? Only God himself.

    So when we accept this Good News of Jesus standing in our place, and believe He is the Son of God who He declares himself to be, that his death was the punishment meant for us, and that He defeated death and came back to life—when we believe this good news, we are forgiven washed from sin and are restored back to our Creator. We are saved.   We are made pure–so pure, that we can come back into His holy presence.

    Thinking again about my mystical-spiritual-artisan friend… She, too was made for this grand restoration. Even if life is good. Even if life feels okay, just as it is.  Jesus came, died and rose again for her.

    I’m praying that God would remove the scales from her eyes to see, to lift any and all barriers in her heart and mind that would keep the Truth from reaching her.

    And I have to remember that if (WHEN!) she comes to faith, God knows that she’ll need a new career—this is not outside His realm of understanding or care.  He will take care of her.  His love is THAT big.

    Is this person you? Do you want to know Jesus as your Savior as well? To be restored back to the Heavenly Father that created you? Then pray this prayer—just say these words out loud and direct them to God from your heart:

    Lord, thank you for creating me, loving me, and making a way for me to come back into relationship with you. I believe that Jesus is who He says He is – your Son.  I believe He is perfect, that His death was for me, and that He came back to life.  I believe, and choose to follow Him and claim Him as my Savior. Thank you that I am forgiven because of Jesus!

    Show me what next steps I need to take as I step into a new life of faith. Surround me with teachers and mentors to guide me.  Help me understand the Bible and the great Truths it contains.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    Leah Carolan
    Pastor of Worship & Media

    Did you enjoy this article? Did you laugh, cry, or learn something new?  Let Leah know.

      Encountering Light

      Encountering Light

      This summer the theme at Lake View Camps is “Be the Light.” So I have been contemplating light and darkness a lot lately.  One scripture I have come to appreciate more deeply is Ephesians 5:8

      For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light—

      It is not just that darkness was in us, or that now we have the light in us, it says we WERE darkness and now we ARE light in the Lord. Amen! What a transformation has occurred through faith in Jesus Christ our Lord. Jesus says it this way in John 8:12,

      Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”’

      I need to hear Jesus say this sometimes when I get down from battling self-doubt and sin, or from seeing how evil hurts so many people in our world. I need a light. We need a light. The whole world NEEDS a light. Jesus. Jesus is the light of the world and if we follow Him we can experience new life.

      Another thing I have done this summer, ever since Pastor Kent taught the staff on his passion for poetry, is write some poetry of my own. I have written some about fishing.

      Set the hook, you’ve got a bite
      Adrenaline pumps

      Another is remembering sitting with my dad on the porch or dock of a lake cabin we rented for the week for family vacation. We were up before everyone else, drinking coffee and telling stories.

      Smell the coffee brew
      Creaking dock, smell wormy morn
      Tell stories; miss dad

      The poetry brings me back to the light of Jesus because I have been trying to reflect on the Bible while writing poetry. I was thinking about the man born blind that was healed by Jesus and my own spiritual blindness when I wrote:

      Useless, lightless eyes
      Looking, seeking, desperate
      Groping in the dark

      I think that captures the helpless and hopeless feeling of despair I feel at times without God. Then when we first encounter light it can be overwhelming.

      Bewildered, blinded
      Caught off-guard, confusing light

      Blinding, burning light
      Too holy and pure for me
      Exposed, pathetic

      Light purifies, that is why sometimes the light of Jesus makes me feel exposed. However, His light is good and His work in me, though painful, brings health and healing.

      Warm, comforting light
      Melts a soul frozen in pain
      Son’s heat like spring thaw

      Jesus’ love is light that brings healing to my wounded soul.  I need Him to thaw me and make me warm enough to be able to love others in His name. Ezekiel 37 tells of a vision God gives the prophet of a valley of dry bones coming back to life. This is the meaning of the vision:

      11 Then he said to me: “Son of man, these bones are the people of Israel. They say, ‘Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone; we are cut off.’ 12 Therefore prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: My people, I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them; I will bring you back to the land of Israel. 13 Then you, my people, will know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and bring you up from them. 14 I will put my Spirit in you and you will live, and I will settle you in your own land. Then you will know that I the Lord have spoken, and I have done it, declares the Lord.’”

      This is the hope we have too! That through faith in Jesus Christ we can go from dead in our sins to ALIVE in Him! Just as the stone was rolled a way, and Jesus rose from the grave, we too are born again into the family of God.  While this is a beautiful truth my heart still ask God this question:

      Purifying light,
      Plumb this foul, festering corpse
      Can these dry bones live?

      God’s answer to me and you from Ezekiel 37 is a resounding, “YES”!

      Steve Poole
      Pastor of Youth & Young Adults

      What did you think of this article? Did you laugh? Cry? Learn something new? Let Steve know below.

        Rinse. Wash. Dry. Repeat.

        Rinse. Wash. Dry. Repeat.

        Rinse. Wash. Dry. Repeat.

        Rinse. Wash. Dry. Repeat.

        There are sometimes where the daily rhythms of life feel so mundane.  Like breakfast dishes.

        Do you have a morning routine?

        I wake up, turn on the coffee pot, and while the water is heating and that first cup is brewing, I empty the dishes on the drying rack from last night’s dinner clean-up.

        I sit down to enjoy my coffee and open the Bible app on my phone and read until my kids slowly wake up and wander down into my quiet space.  Then, it’s time for breakfast, and more dishes.

        Rinse. Wash. Dry. Repeat.

        We get everyone ready for the day—diapers, clothes, hair, teeth and shoes.

        Sometime shortly after this, someone starts asking for a snack. It doesn’t take long for the word to spread that mom is dishing out the good stuff and everyone else becomes convinced they need a snack, too. More dishes. Only this time I let the dishes sit, because I know come lunch time, there’ll be other dishes to address.

        Then lunch. Then dishes.  Then snacks. Then dishes. Then supper. Then final dishes and a grand cleaning swoop before bedtime.

        It’s amazing how much of my day is spent addressing dish clean-up!  But there is a rhythm to it that if I stick to the rhythm, I don’t get overwhelmed.  If I let things pile up, the task feels too big, too time-consuming.

        I heard recently from a preacher about his frequent and favorite daily prayer times.  They go something like this:

        “Lord, help.”

        That’s it.  His day is sprinkled with this short prayer.  About to write an email? “Lord, help.”  Making a phone call? “Lord, help.”  Losing patience with the kids? “Lord, help.”  It’s a rhythm of constant engagement with God.  It’s not a two-to-three hour time slot (though his prayer life contains those, too!) but a short prayer that reengages his heart back to God in the midst of the mundane.

        Another prayer he uses is, “Holy Spirit, show me more.” Short and sweet and sprinkled throughout the day.

        I love this approach. If I were to pile up all these little prayers into a giant prayer time, it feels a little like letting my dishes pile up —a giant task that I just don’t want to tackle. My brain says it’s too hard! But five seconds throughout the day? No problem.

        While we should have goals to expand our spiritual lives and times of devotion, getting to that point can often feel like a giant mountain.  I genuinely WANT to be a person who prays for hours on end, but getting into that rhythm will take some practice. Can I start with a simplified rhythm? YES!

        Rinse. Wash. Dry. Repeat.

        Just because my musician brain is fully at work right now on ‘rhythm,’ here’s what I think my prayer life looks like and COULD look like:

        Leah Carolan
        Pasor of Worship & Media

        Did you enjoy this article? Did you laugh, cry, or learn something new?  Let Leah know.

          Praying From the Heart

          Praying From the Heart

          I’m reading a memoir right now entitled My Father Before Me. The author honestly recounts his father’s troubled life and how it impacted him. He looks without flinching and then tells us about it. It is powerful. As I read about ordinary family events that often went wrong, I could not help but feel empathy.

          Reading these stories made me wonder how God might feel when I talk to Him about the ordinary events in my life. Does God want to hear the nitty-gritty of my daily routines? Does God share my joy or grief? Does God empathize with me?

          As we’ve grown in prayer this year, I must admit that I still have more questions than answers. Prayer, on the one hand, is a simple conversation with God, on the other hand, it connects us with God in mysterious ways.

          Our value of being authentic people helps us when we pray. We pray honest prayers from the heart and God listens and responds. When we talk to God we tell it like it is and then listen – that is really all we need to know.

          Keep praying from the heart!

          Kent Landhuis
          Pastor of Teaching & Leadership

          P.S. Special thanks to prayer champions and mentors praying for the next generation. Your prayers matter!

          Did you enjoy this article? Did you laugh, cry or learn something new? Let Kent know.

            Artificial Intelligence in Ministry

            Artificial Intelligence in Ministry

            Recently, someone posted pictures on social media that an Artificial Intelligence generator created based on scripture. The pictures were amazing and thought provoking.

            That made me consider what AI would write for my chips article this month. I thought it would be interesting to ask the AI Generator to “Write three paragraphs on the value of Christian Friendship.” What you see below is what the AI bot came up with in a few seconds.

            Friendship is a bond in love through reciprocity, mutuality, and holiness. Friendship is essential to the Christian life for the church because it is a fruit of godly virtue, a gift of God’s grace, and a way of grateful obedience to God’s law. An essential aspect of Christian discipleship is friendship. Christians are called to love their neighbors as themselves (Mark 12:31), and friendship is one way that Christians can fulfill this commandment.

            Friendship is important because love is greatest. God is love, and He is glorified by Christians who love wisely, rightly, and well in holy friendship. This love promotes the peace, purity, and unity of the church 1. The Lord knows there is value in earthly friendship, as well as fellowship. One place in the Bible where God tells us why having a good friend is important is in Ecclesiastes. There, we are told something simple but very profound: two are better than one 2.

            In conclusion, friendship is an essential aspect of Christian discipleship that promotes peace, purity, and unity of the church. It is a bond in love through reciprocity, mutuality, and holiness that Christians can fulfill the commandment of loving their neighbors as themselves. Friendship is important because it glorifies God who is love and it builds us up and helps us grow 3.


            What are your thoughts on using an AI generator in your ministry?

            Lindsey Ungs
            Connection & Communication Architect

            Did you enjoy this article? Did you laugh, cry or learn something new? Let Lindsey know.

              Toasted Graham (Celery Overtones)


              Banana Foster Flambe. Pumpkin Caramel Latte. Spiced Chai Cyclone Crazy.  Sweet Strawberries and Cream Vanilla Shake.

              These are all flavored coffee options.  Don’t those sound delicious?  Is there anything in that list you want to try?

              When you make a cup of coffee, the first thing you do is not taste it. Instead, you smell it while the coffee is brewing. Smell is the first thing that triggers the brain that this cup of coffee is going to be GOOD. Like, super yummy good.  The aromas waiver in the air until the brewing process is complete.

              Sometimes when we brew coffee in the office, the delicious-ness strikes the noses of everyone in the vicinity and people will start to ask, “Mmmm… what is that wonderful smell?”

              And then finally… that first sip.

              I don’t know if you’re as crazy about coffee as I am, but if you are, you’ve also learned that flavored coffees can be a HUGE disappointment.  That wonderful aroma that filled your nostrils a few minutes ago? That wonderful smell that tickled your taste buds in anticipation? It’s just not there when you take the first sip.  In the world of food and flavors, *usually* the smells and tastes are in alignment. But flavored coffees?  They are often out of sync.

              Out of sync—what I smelled isn’t what I tasted.  This disappointment does something to the brain.  That chocolate truffle? It tastes like dirty water.  That pumpkin pie?  Just cheap weak coffee.  This Starbucks Toasted Graham that’s currently in my cup as I type? I swear it has overtones of celery. Yuck. Weird. (I’m still going to drink, by the way…)

              I think our Christian lives can be so much like flavored coffees.  Sometimes the initial impression we give is like a vibrant and wonderful smell.  But when you really get to know us, there is a disappointment. We’re not as ‘holy’ or ‘spiritual’ or ‘mature’ as we once let on.  We’re sinful. Our character has major defects.  Our workday’s lifestyle doesn’t match our Sunday morning devotion. We are out of sync.

              But every now and then you encounter a Christian who’s life and outer shell match the inside.  They’re devotion is pure.  Their workday lifestyle matches their Sunday lifestyle.  Their character oozes the character of Christ.  They are REAL.  They are in sync.

              But they are also a rare-breed.

              There are only a few flavored coffees I’ve found that are in sync.  They are also a rare breed. But when that taste and that smell are in complete alignment, it is bliss. My brain doesn’t feel tricked—instead it is in a state of joy.

              I want to be that type of Christian—that brings a state of joy and honesty that doesn’t trick someone’s brain or bring disappointment.

              Flawed, but honest about the flaws.  Sinful, but quick to run to forgiveness and offer forgiveness.  In step, in sync, with my Savior. I’m not there, yet!

              Leah Carolan
              Pastor of Worship & Media


              Did you enjoy this article? Did you laugh, cry, or learn something new?  Let Leah know.

                Do You Use the Guardrails?

                Do You Use the Guardrails?

                Recently my friend shared about the book “Boundaries” in the Parenting Together Sunday School class. This led to a new understanding of many areas of life that boundaries can be applied. Some of those areas include time, words, truth, love, values, limits, resources and gifts, feelings, attitudes and beliefs, behavior, desires, and choices.

                One of the biggest realizations for me is that I’m a boundary mover. I fall into the ditch of frequently adjusting my boundaries. Constantly, I’m evaluating: “Is this where my boundary should be or should I move it for a specific purpose?”

                For example, the other day someone needed dozens of rides to and from their home, throughout the week, because they could no longer drive. My week was already full plus I had meetings all five nights that week. My boundary is typically only three evening events per week in order to preserve the health of our family.

                In the moment, I wondered was God asking me to step up and toss one of my boundaries aside for this need? The answer for this specific situation seemed to be “no.” I needed to let others step up and care for this person.

                How do you handle boundaries in your life? Are they movable? What if the Holy Spirit calls you to move beyond your comfort zone? Or, do you need to add some boundaries in your life? Do you have any boundaries in place at all? Maybe you need to put some guardrails up in certain aspects of your life in order to prioritize what matters.

                I find that I fall into the ditch of constantly moving the boundary lines in my life. Others fall into the ditch of setting up boundaries and never evaluating them again.

                While it is good to be open to the Holy Spirit stirring in our heart, most of the time sticking to a boundary can be helpful.

                Lindsey Ungs
                Connection & Communication Architect

                Did you enjoy this article? Did you laugh, cry or learn something new? Let Lindsey know.

                  Friendly Prayer

                  Friendly Prayer

                  I get a kick out of kids’ simple, sometimes funny prayers. Prayers like these:

                  • “Dear God, if You can’t make me a better boy, don’t worry about it. I’m having a real good time like I am!”
                  • “Dear God, thank You for the baby brother but what I prayed for was a puppy.”
                  • “Dear God, it must be super hard to love all the people in the world, especially my sister. I don’t know how You do it.”

                  These prayers open us up to unexpected thoughts and truths and usually help us see God in a new way. They help us connect with God and isn’t that one of the main reasons we pray?

                  • Dear God, please take care of my daddy, mommy, sister, brother, my doggy, and me. Oh, please take care of Yourself, God. If anything happens to You, we’re gonna be in a big mess.”

                  I used to think prayers had to be proper. Self-important. Maybe even a bit pompous. We, after all, should approach God carefully. Right?

                  Now I think the most important thing is to come to God just as we are. Sometimes we come with big, bold, important prayers. Sometimes we just come with a friendly prayer to tell God what is on our mind. Like a kid.

                  • “Dear God, I don’t think anybody could be a better God. Well, I just want you to know that I am not just saying that because You are God already.”

                  Keep praying.


                  Kent Landhuis
                  Pastor of Teaching & Leadership

                  Did you enjoy this article? Did you laugh, cry or learn something new? Let Kent know.