Category Archives: Open Table

Coffee Hour – Sundays 10am

Join us before the live service stream! Keep your coffee fresh (and your germs stale) at our digital coffee hour on Sundays, 10am in the Zoom app, just before the live service stream at 11am.  The staff will be in and out as well while we’re setting up for the worship service live stream.

Here’s the info you need to join us in Zoom:

  • Topic: Sunday Coffee Hour 10am
  • Time: Apr 5, 2020 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
  • Every week on Sun, until May 31, 2020, 9 occurrence(s)
  • Meeting ID: 837 179 546

Open Table Nov. 17


Open Table is a chance to intentionally connect with others at Cedar Hills over a meal.  The next Open Table will be Sunday, November 17 after the 2nd service (around 12:05pm).  This Open Table will be co-hosted with the youth group as part of the Chili Cook-off.  Come, taste, and vote (with $$) for your favorite chilis and breads.  Desserts and salad also provided by the Open Table team.  All proceeds from the voting go to the Journey Youth.

Open Table – Mar. 17

Our next Open Table meeting is Sunday, March 17, after the 2nd service in the Gathering Space. Once a month, we hang around after church. Our team provides a lunch, space to connect, make new friends, and enjoy Christ alive in us. Whether you are new to Cedar Hills or have been around a while, young or old, everyone is  welcome at Open Table!

Open Table

Come, join others for fellowship, conversation and good food.  Open Table is for anyone, young and old alike. We particularly wish to encourage anyone new to Cedar Hills to join us and meet some others along the same journey!

Open Table is in between services at 9:45 in the Gathering Space (church lobby area). There is no cost to attend.