New Class: Ephesians


Begins Sunday, January 7 at 9:45am

Imagine living in a city of 250,00 people and you are proud to brag that it is the 4th largest city in the known world. Rome is the government that currently rules you, but they have not restricted your freedom to worship in any of the magnificent temples that surround you. Then there came a hiccup in your life. A man name Paul came to visit and stayed for an extended time. He presented a message that changed your way of life. Now as Christian, living in Ephesus, the city has become a hostile environment, to say the least.

After Paul left, our question has become, “How do we live when the voices of those who surround us are no longer accepting and friendly?”

In 2024 there are times when the world is trying to change the course of our life. Paul writes letter giving us a renewed hope and focus. Bring your bibles. Experience truth that reaches out and touches us today.