Transformation Vocabulary

I remember singing a song when I was a kid that had the lyrics, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.” Those words hit me as right: if I expect peace on earth, well then I better bring peace.

Apparently this sentiment seems right to a lot of people. A great variety of artists have performed this song—Gospel music singers, Country-western performers, pop musicians, school choirs—they all get it that peace starts with ‘me.’

A newspaper reporter once asked theologian G.K. Chesterton what’s wrong with the world today. He replied in writing:

“Dear Sir,
I am.
G. K. Chesterton”

The world is not messed up because of some nameless problem out there, it really has problems because everyone adds to them regularly. As we are thinking about transforming the corridor, it might be tempting to point fingers at people “out there” and overlook our own need for transformation. Transformation begins when disciples of Jesus grow closer to Jesus and continues when disciples of Jesus reach out to others with the love of Jesus.

As mentioned last month, this vision of transformation is actually back to the basics. We are called to make disciples who make disciples in the everyday stuff of life. We “go make disciples” (Matthew 28:18-20) and when that happens, transformation happens.

Disciples love God deeply, love self properly, and love their neighbors boldly. I pray that if you have not yet caught the excitement of the possibility of transforming the corridor that you will simply draw near to Jesus. As you love Jesus more, you will love each other more and it is that love that makes all the difference.

Starting in September, we will explore the vocabulary of transformation. This exploration will help us understand a biblical vision of transformation and, I pray, fuel our mission for years to come. We can all grow by engaging in large group celebrations of corporate worship and gathering with a small group that is on mission. Large group celebrations shape us through
gospel-centered worship and small groups create safe places for relational connection and missional living. Life transformation emerges out of both!

The Lord be with you,
Pastor Kent

Eugene (Gene) Dlouhy Funeral Arrangements

Eugene “Gene” Dlouhy, 85, died Monday, Aug. 27, 2018. Gene and his wife Judy previously attended Cedar Hills.  Please pray for Judy (Gene’s wife), Monica (their daughter) and Mike Wilk (Son-in-law) and Melody Henderson (daughter), who attend Cedar Hills, in their time of grieving.

The visitation will be Tuesday, Sept 4 at Murdoch Funeral Home: 520 Wilson Ave SW, 4:00-8:00 PM

The service will be Wednesday, Sept 5 at 11am at Cedar Hills, immediately followed by a luncheon.

Obituary for Eugene “Gene” Dlouhy

Eugene “Gene” Dlouhy, 85, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, passed away Monday, August 27, 2018, at Heritage Specialty Care, Cedar Rapids. Visitation: 4:00 – 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 4, 2018, at Murdoch-Linwood Funeral Home & Cremation Service, Cedar Rapids. Memorial Service with military honors: 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, September 5, 2018, at Cedar Hills Community Church, Cedar Rapids, officiated by Pastor Kent Landhuis.

Gene was born July 8, 1933, in Swisher, Iowa, the son of Emil and Helen Dlouhy. He served honorably in the United States Army during the Korean War. On August 18, 1957, Gene was united in marriage to Judith Griffin at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, Cedar Rapids.

He and his son, Marc, owned and operated Dlouhy Auto Repair for over thirty years. Gene was a member of the American Legion Post # 727, Cedar Rapids, and Cedar Hills Community Church. He was known as “Gentle Gene.” He was honest, genuine, loving and caring. Gene was a wonderful husband, father, grandfather and friend. He loved working at the shop, bowling and golf. Being with his family was Gene’s greatest joy.

Gene is survived by his wife, Judith Dlouhy; daughter, Melody Henderson; sons, Marc (Lynn) Dlouhy and Matt Dlouhy; and daughter, Monica (Mike) Wilk; six grandchildren, Kyle and Logan Dlouhy, Randi (Jason) Roggentein, Blakeley Dlouhy, and twins Cameron and Campbell Dlouhy; five step-grandchildren, Jennissa (Eric Gertge) Voorhees, Sam (Morgan) Wilk, Joe Wilk, Joy Wilk, and Jocilyn (Joel) Ray; two great-grandchildren, Carver and Cutler Roggentein; four step-great-grandchildren, Wyatt Gertge, Maisy Wilk, Joanie and Jaylin Ray; brother, Frank Dlouhy; and several nieces and nephews.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Emil and Helen Dlouhy; sister, Lillian Serbousek; and brothers, Leonard, Leo, and Don Dlouhy.

Memorials may be directed to the Wounded Warrior Project, P.O. Box 758517, Topeka, Kansas, 66675.


Women’s Revival Kick-off

Starts Sept 6, 6-8pm, Women’s Revival is an opportunity for adult women to come together twice a month (1st and 3rd Thursdays) from 6-8p, for fellowship and fun, and to be able to grow in your walk with Lord. Each night will feature a blend of devotion, discussion and a nightly activity. There will also be programming for participants children (3yrs-5th grade) available. Women’s Revival returns from the summer break on September 6th. Join any time! Register onlineBut don’t be discouraged if you are only able to attend sporadically, you will not feel out of place!

Family Adventure – New for 2018!

We’re so excited to announce our new programming, called Family Adventure. Its goal is to equip families to be modelers of a gospel-centered life. The event will be held on the 4th Sunday of every month, 5:30pm-7pm with dinner 5:30pm-6pm. The night will be filled with Jesus, fun and fellowship!

Family discipleship is of the utmost importance to us, and we hope and desire that every child would be accompanied by a parent, guardian or adult family member. Family Adventure is about having an experience that children and adults alike can share in together. We hope to see you there!  Register.

Kick-Off Worship Jam

All musicians and singers are invited to take place in the Fall Kick-Off worship service Sunday, August 19. The first service choir will gather at 8 AM to sing at the 8:30am service. All singers and instruments are invited to the kick-off worship jam team that will lead the music at the 11 AM service. Practice for the jam is Wednesday, August 15 at 6:30 PM. Please pre-register for the Jam.

Love. Belong. Serve.