Answer Me When I Call (Psalm 4)

Answer Me When I Call (Psalm 4)

Every few months, a community I’m a part of holds a scripture memory challenge.  We have one week to memorize whatever passage of scripture we want.  How long the passage is, which book, the subject–those are all up to us.

Every time they hold this challenge, I try to work my way through a Psalm and have worked up to Psalm 4.  I like this Psalm. It has a nice progression of feelings and emotions.

It opens with despair:

Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness!
You have given me relief when I was in distress.
Be gracious to me and hear my prayer!

And ends in quiet rest:

In peace I will both lie down and sleep;
for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.

The journey in between these two phrases is a wild ride of remembering and declaring promises of God’s faithfulness to his righteous ones.  Promises of light, protection and his attuned ear when we cry.

I like this Psalm, because it follows a workable pattern of the human heart toward God: first despair, and then remembering who God is to remind ourselves of His faithfulness, and then relief and hope when we again remember his goodness to us, enough so that we can find rest for another day.

Many of the Psalms model this pattern, which is probably why it’s my favorite book to use when I am lamenting or depressed. The question, “Answer me, God!!!” is a cry of my heart to say, “I can’t see  or hear you right now and I’m alone and scared.”  I’m convinced God loves the question. He is not bothered by the asking nor the heart, but is excited to again show  Himself and His goodness all over again.

Want to memorize Psalm 4 with me? I finished up putting it to music this past week and have it playing on repeat.

Leah Carolan
Pastor of Worship & Media

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