All posts by Cedar Hills Community Church

Staff Ugly Sweaters


One rule this year: Must be homemade.  And let us say… wow… there are some super detailed and creative ones here!!  You can vote for your favorite staff ugly sweater by giving to their virtual Salvation Army Red Kettle online or on Sunday, Dec.13 in the Gathering Space by placing your donation into the red kettles on site.

Lindsey – Connection & Communication


Hailey – Nursery Ministry


Cathy – Children’s Ministry


Kris – Noah’s Ark Preschool


Jennifer – Office Manager


Gary – Care Ministry


Kent – Teaching & Leadership


Steve – Youth & Young Adults


Leah – Worship & Media

Nativity Escape Room

Cedar Hills will be opening a Nativity Escape room in December.  Families of all ages will be welcome to solve 4 challenges, find clues, discover answers and learn the Christmas story, all in 60 minutes or less to escape the room.

Sign Up Now


  • Groups will enter through preschool door and wait in entryway
  • One-way traffic flows
  • One family participating at a time
  • Room is cleaned between groups
  • One-time use paper challenge materials
  • Masks required

COVID-19 Plan

At Cedar Hills, the health of everyone is of utmost importance to us. With the increasing concern about the Coronavirus (COVID-19), here are some the steps we have implemented at the church as we return to worship together:

Masks are now REQUIRED for those in attendance at Cedar Hills.  

  • We have increased cleaning measures throughout the church (including nursery and classrooms), wiping down frequently touched surfaces using cleaners designed specifically to kill the Coronavirus.
  • Our Student and Children’s ministries are being diligent in their precautions, similar to above, and will still be meeting. Children appearing sick will be asked to remain in their parent’s care.
  • We have adjusted our communion serving practices to include distancing and individual servings of the elements.
  • Our staff and volunteer teams will wash their hands often and stay home if they are sick.
  • Our greeters will be opting for a smile and a wave, rather than a handshake. We encourage everyone to do the same as they greet people in the Gathering Space and during services.
  • There is a new check-in process for children’s Sunday classes.  Classrooms have been setup to allow for more distancing. Smaller classes/groups are expected to also minimize risk.  Cleaning will be done regularly, hand washing will be encouraged, and we will do some activities outside to limit the risks.

We will continue to make sermons available online at:

(Also available on iTunes, Spotify, iHeartradio and your favorite podcast platforms.)

Our God is sovereign and knows all the details of what is going on. Our King is on the throne. We will seek His wisdom and discernment to make the best decisions for the safety of our church body, and praise Him for the protection that He will grant us along the way.

Cedar Hills Leadership

Special Update from Consistory


The Consistory (our church board) convened a special meeting this week to discern our congregation’s response to the current COVID-19 surge. We are deeply concerned about the health and well-being of our community. In compliance with the latest governor’s proclamation, we added mandatory mask wearing to our mitigation response. Also, please follow these guidelines:

  • Wear a mask for all group gatherings.
  • Maintain distance in all group gatherings.
  • Wash hands frequently.
  • Do not attend if you are sick or have been exposed to sickness.
  • Do not attend if you are vulnerable.

We believe in the value of in-person gatherings for offering hope and encouragement. We will continue to evaluate our ability to meet in-person safely. We will make changes as necessary to help us carry out our mission of sharing the love of God and also protecting staff, volunteers, and attendees. We invite your prayers for our congregation and community in these challenging times.

The Lord be with you,
The Consistory

Salvation Army Bell Ringers


Saturday, Dec. 5 is the Cedar Hills Day at the Kettle!  Each year, our church covers a day of bell ringing for the Salvation Army Red Kettle fundraiser.  This year we will be at both the Johnson Ave Hy-Vee and the the 16th Ave Fareway stores.

Sign up online for a two-hour shift today.  Times begin at 10am. Due to COVID-19, only two bell ringers can be present at at time.


JOY! Sunday + Ugly Sweaters

We have a tradition of one Sunday during Advent being JOY! Sunday – including wearing our favorite ugly sweaters and decking out in Christmas attire.  Plan ahead this year for Sunday, December 13 to don your favorite seasonal clothes. This is a fun and light-hearted Sunday that will surely bring you JOY!

Take a picture ahead of time and submit it here. We’d love to feature your sweaters on the screens next Sunday.

The staff are having a little competition to support the Salvation Army.  You can vote for your favorite staff homemade ugly sweater via the online red kettles funds below or in the Gathering Space Sunday mornings.


Repentance and Cleansing Service

Sunday, November 15, 6:30pm

“Many of us are not free because we have not confessed the sins that hold us captive, keeping us in bondage. Confession is the gateway to healing, the route to freedom… What is confession? Confession means [admitting] you have done something wrong, or [admitting] unwillingly that something is true.”

We are excited and humbled to be able to plan a service in which we come together before our Heavenly Father and experience the power and freedom that comes in the forgiveness of sin.   Together, we will identify sin by hearing what the Bible says, asking God to show us what we have done that fits in the category, writing in a personal prayer journal, and then pleading the blood of Jesus over those sins.

This service will be a safe place. You will not be asked to confess your sin out loud or with the group, but instead will find an atmosphere of prayer and worship to quietly come before the Father and let Him know your heart.

Because of the sensitive nature of some of the sin topics we’ll be covering, we will be offering a special service for children ages 3 to 5th grade in a separate space, as well as nursery care for ages 0-36 months. The Journey youth will be joining us this night as well in the main service.

Caroling and Cookies

This event has been cancelled.

Caroling and Cookies – December


Create memories with your family by going caroling with friends. Kid-friendly Christmas songs will be used as each group makes 3 stops to sing to families that sign up in advance.

Sing with your own small group or join one of our groups.  Sign up for groups here.

When and Where?

We sing on December 6th, 2020 from 6-8pm.  Groups will be assigned homes to visit and then meet up at the church for cookies after the caroling.

Cookies Needed

Working on a new Christmas Cookie recipe? Need to stay home but love to bake?

We are looking for some cookies to serve after we go caroling. You can drop off the cookies to the church any time before the event. Just make sure to label them.

Want us to sing at your home?

Interested in having carol singers stop by your home? Sign up here.