All posts by Cedar Hills

Holy Week Events 2025

5:30-8:00pm – An experience that will transform the way you see God, yourself and the people around you. Come and learn to see yourself through the eyes of God and take ownership over what He reveals.

Regular services at 8:30am & 11am with palm branches. Breakfast will served by the Boy Scouts in the Gathering Space 7:30am-11:15am (free-will donation). The menu is pancakes, eggs, sausage, juice/milk/coffee. 

APRIL 17 – MAUNDY THURSDAY. Worship service at 6:30pm. We will celebrate the Last Supper and walk through the last hours of Jesus’ life.  (Dinner served 5:15pm-6:15pm – please kindly RSVP on the bulletin response April 13.)

APRIL 20 –
EASTER SUNDAY. Worship services at regular times. The 8:30am service will feature the choir and the classic Easter hymns. The 11am service is modern worship with a large musical accompaniment. No Sunday classes. Special Easter egg hunt in between services at 9:45am.  MORE INFORMATION

Gideon Encounter April 6

The Gideon Encounter : Eastern Iowa
$25.00 $0.00

A LIVE experience that will transform the way you see God, yourself and the people around you. How you see yourself and How God sees you are two different perspectives. But why? Why is it so hard for us to see ourselves through the eyes of God and take ownership over what He reveals?


Welcome to the Gideon Encounter.

We all need an identity shift and only God can do it. All God needs is your yes.  Our Journey Youth will be attending this night of worship and teaching, but we are extending the invite to anyone who wishes to come.

An interactive experience.

Sunday, April 6, 5:30pm – 8:00pm
Cedar Hills Community Church – Gathering Space
Seats are limited to 60. Reserve your seat today.

Who can come?

Anyone over the age of 13 can attend.
(Youth under 15 must be accompanied by an adult)

What to expect?
  • Biblical Truth on Identity
  • Thought provoking questions
  • Empowering discussions
  • Intimate times of worship
  • Liberation through the Holy Spirit

You Belong – a membership class

Who are we and what do we believe?  “You Belong” is a class to explore those questions and more facets of the faith. It also serves as a membership class for anyone who wants to call Cedar Hills their home church.

You Belong is a six week class that meets on Sundays at 9:45am beginning March 30. (We will not meet on Easter Sunday).  Anyone is welcome to attend even if they do not wish to become members.

At the end of the class, students can choose to pursue membership.  Following the class, you will meet with an elder to affirm your faith in Jesus, and then we publicly receive into a membership at a worship service (date TBD).


  • March 30
  • April 6
  • April 13
  • April 20 (NO CLASS – Easter Sunday)
  • April 27
  • May 4
  • May 11

Nursery for ages 0-36 months is available at this same time, as well as classes for children of all ages.

No registration is needed, but letting us know you’re coming is helpful. You can do that by contacting the office below.

    Sanctuary Choir

    Join the choir! Rehearsals are on Wednesdays, 6:45pm in the Lime Room (right hallway, all the way to the end).  Choir is open to high school age and up.  If you know your voice part (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass) that is helpful! But we can also help you find your voice part by range.

    Practice Recordings on YouTube


    Here is the Spring/Summer choir schedule. We begin rehearsals on Rehearsals will be around 7:05pm, immediately after the Lent worship services concludes until the week of Easter.

    • Wednesday, March 12 – Rehearsal (~7:05pm)
    • Wednesday, March 19 – Rehearsal (~7:05pm)
    • Sunday, March 23 – Sing at 1st service (warmup at 7:55am)
    • Wednesday, March 26 – Rehearsal (~7:05pm)
    • Wednesday, April 2 – Rehearsal (~7:05pm)
    • Sunday, April 6 – Sing at 1st service (warmup at 7:55am)
    • Wednesday, April 9 – Rehearsal (~7:05pm(
    • Wednesday, April 16 – 6:45pm Easter Dress Rehearsal
    • Sunday, April 20Easter (warmup at 7:55am)
    • Wednesday, April 23 – 6:45pm Rehearsal
    • Wednesday, April 30 – 6:45pm Rehearsal
    • Wednesday, May 7 – 6:45pm Rehearsal
    • Sunday, May 11 – Sing at 1st Service (warmup at 7:55am)


    • Sunday, June 1 – Sing at 1st Service (warmup at 7:55am)
    • Wednesday, July 2 – 6:45pm Rehearsal
    • Sunday, July 6 – Sing at 1st Service (warmup at 7:55am)
    Questions? Contact Stuart Geiger



      Cedar Kids Club House

      Youth ministry for kids ages Kindergarten-5th grades.  We believe in fostering a young faith (while having adventures and a great time)!

      NEW TIMES AND AGES FOR 2024-2025!

      Club House will meet on the 1st and 3rd Sundays beginning Oct. 6, 12pm-2pm and is open to children in kindergarten through 5th grade.  Includes lunch!

      We are so excited to begin this adventure with our elementary kids.  REGISTER TODAY

      LOGISTICS : Please make sure you sign your child into the TEAL room after church. If your child is already in Children’s Church, please still come back to sign-in your child to stay for Kids Club.
      *If your child has any food allergies, please send along a sack lunch.
      If you would like to volunteer to bring a meal and serve it, please sign up with the link below. Plan your meal to feed about 30 people around noon (after 2nd service is over).

      Click Here to Sign-up to bring a Meal!

      Upcoming Schedule:
      December 15: Christmas theme (bring a $5 gift to share in an exchange!)
      January 5: I’m Crafted: 4) No Lava Lost
      January 19: I’m Crafted: 5) Idol Builders
      February 2: I’m Crafted: 6) Get Creative
      February 16: I’m Crafted: 7) Survival Mode
      March 2: I’m Crafted: 8) The Ultimate Build
      March 16: Benton/Cedar Rapids Spring Break: No Kids Club
      April 6: Easter Theme
      April 20:  Easter.  No Kids Club
      May 4: Pizza party with movie or games.

      Son of Man

      Son of Man

      I watched a fascinating short video this past week on the meaning of the phrase, “Son of Man”.  It’s first used in the book of Daniel but is also the number one way Jesus describes himself.  He doesn’t use Messiah, or King or Lord… He uses this strange phrase: “Son of Man”.

      This video connects the phrase back to the garden of Eden.  In the garden, there are two types of creations—beast and man.  And with these two types of creations are two kingdoms —the kingdom of the beast and the Kingdom of God in which man was co-ruling over with Him.

      But in this story, man starts to doubt God, and makes a troubling decision to act in accordance of the kingdom of beasts—aligning with his beastly nature and turning against the Kingdom of God.

      So now the question remains: who will reign with the kingdom of God since man chose the kingdom of beasts?  So God kicks them our of the garden to rules with the beasts.

      And with the kingdom of beasts comes every bad thing—darkness, death, sin, torture, murder… you name it! Everything ‘beastly’!

      This thread exists throughout the entire Old Testament, with the lingering question… is there a Son of Man that will deny the beast and reign again with God?

      And there is! A man comes and identifies himself as the “Son of Man” – a phrase they would have understood to be the one who will conquer the beast.

      And not only will he conquer the beast, but all other humans can now choose to worship him and side with him.  They also get to be restored back to the Kingdom of God AND given the same power to deny the beast as the Son of Man did.

      This was a new concept to me! I’ve read the gospels, and heard Jesus calling himself “Son of Man” but never stopped to ask, “Why?”

      Are you curious??? Somewhat fascinated? I can’t tell the story as well as the video—so go watch it!

      “Son of Man” from the Bible Project.

      Leah Carolan
      Director of Worship & Media


      Did you enjoy this article? Did you laugh, cry, or learn something new?  Let Leah know.

        Next Family Event – AirFX

        FAITH FAMILY FUN EVENT – AIRFX – Join us June 26, 4-6pm for jumping and mini-golf. Our special Cedar Hills discounted rate is $10 for both jumping and mini-golf or $5 for just mini-golf (and it’s free to come and watch).

        To get the discount, pay Kathryn cash or check at the door on the day of the event.

        June 5 Townhall Meeting

        On Sunday, June 5 in between services at 9:45am we will meet as a church to discuss upcoming changes for our denomination and a potential joining of the Alliance of Reformed Churches.  This is part 2 of a discussion we began back in February.  All are welcome to come and ask questions.  We’ll be directly responding to questions asked on the 4-Question Survey many filled out in mid-May.


        Childcare and activities will be provided for ages 0 to 3rd grade.