Meeting 1/27/25 at Whiskey River
MONDAY MEN’S CONNECTION – All men are invited Mondays at 6pm to for drinks and trivia. Check the weekly bulletin for the most updated location! Contact Gary Sager for details.
MONDAY MEN’S CONNECTION – All men are invited Mondays at 6pm to for drinks and trivia. Check the weekly bulletin for the most updated location! Contact Gary Sager for details.
Join the choir! Rehearsals are on Wednesdays, 6:45pm in the Lime Room (right hallway, all the way to the end). Choir is open to high school age and up. If you know your voice part (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass) that is helpful! But we can also help you find your voice part by range.
Practice Recordings on YouTube
2025 – The choir is on break until the end of February! We will post a new schedule as it becomes available.
Youth ministry for kids ages Kindergarten-5th grades. We believe in fostering a young faith (while having adventures and a great time)!
Club House will meet on the 1st and 3rd Sundays beginning Oct. 6, 12pm-2pm and is open to children in kindergarten through 5th grade. Includes lunch!
We are so excited to begin this adventure with our elementary kids. REGISTER TODAY
LOGISTICS : Please make sure you sign your child into the TEAL room after church. If your child is already in Children’s Church, please still come back to sign-in your child to stay for Kids Club.
*If your child has any food allergies, please send along a sack lunch.
If you would like to volunteer to bring a meal and serve it, please sign up with the link below. Plan your meal to feed about 30 people around noon (after 2nd service is over).
Click Here to Sign-up to bring a Meal!
Upcoming Schedule:
December 15: Christmas theme (bring a $5 gift to share in an exchange!)
January 5: I’m Crafted: 4) No Lava Lost
January 19: I’m Crafted: 5) Idol Builders
February 2: I’m Crafted: 6) Get Creative
February 16: I’m Crafted: 7) Survival Mode
March 2: I’m Crafted: 8) The Ultimate Build
March 16: Benton/Cedar Rapids Spring Break: No Kids Club
April 6: Easter Theme
April 20: Easter. No Kids Club
May 4: Pizza party with movie or games.
Becoming a member of a church is a big decision! If you feel called to Cedar Hills or would just like to explore making us your ‘home church’, the next session of “You Belong” Membership Class. It will be held for 6 weeks on Sundays at 9:45am beginning November 3.
Nursery for ages 0-36 months is available at this same time, as well as classes for children of all ages.
No registration is needed, but letting us know you’re coming is helpful! You can do that by contacting the office below.
Watch the game on the big screen, enjoy some good grill-out, and bring a side to share. Starting at 3pm Saturday, Sept. 10 at the church. All are welcome.
In the Gathering Space.
I watched a fascinating short video this past week on the meaning of the phrase, “Son of Man”. It’s first used in the book of Daniel but is also the number one way Jesus describes himself. He doesn’t use Messiah, or King or Lord… He uses this strange phrase: “Son of Man”.
This video connects the phrase back to the garden of Eden. In the garden, there are two types of creations—beast and man. And with these two types of creations are two kingdoms —the kingdom of the beast and the Kingdom of God in which man was co-ruling over with Him.
But in this story, man starts to doubt God, and makes a troubling decision to act in accordance of the kingdom of beasts—aligning with his beastly nature and turning against the Kingdom of God.
So now the question remains: who will reign with the kingdom of God since man chose the kingdom of beasts? So God kicks them our of the garden to rules with the beasts.
And with the kingdom of beasts comes every bad thing—darkness, death, sin, torture, murder… you name it! Everything ‘beastly’!
This thread exists throughout the entire Old Testament, with the lingering question… is there a Son of Man that will deny the beast and reign again with God?
And there is! A man comes and identifies himself as the “Son of Man” – a phrase they would have understood to be the one who will conquer the beast.
And not only will he conquer the beast, but all other humans can now choose to worship him and side with him. They also get to be restored back to the Kingdom of God AND given the same power to deny the beast as the Son of Man did.
This was a new concept to me! I’ve read the gospels, and heard Jesus calling himself “Son of Man” but never stopped to ask, “Why?”
Are you curious??? Somewhat fascinated? I can’t tell the story as well as the video—so go watch it!
“Son of Man” from the Bible Project.
Leah Carolan
Director of Worship & Media
FAITH FAMILY FUN EVENT – AIRFX – Join us June 26, 4-6pm for jumping and mini-golf. Our special Cedar Hills discounted rate is $10 for both jumping and mini-golf or $5 for just mini-golf (and it’s free to come and watch).
To get the discount, pay Kathryn cash or check at the door on the day of the event.
On Sunday, June 5 in between services at 9:45am we will meet as a church to discuss upcoming changes for our denomination and a potential joining of the Alliance of Reformed Churches. This is part 2 of a discussion we began back in February. All are welcome to come and ask questions. We’ll be directly responding to questions asked on the 4-Question Survey many filled out in mid-May.
Childcare and activities will be provided for ages 0 to 3rd grade.
CEDAR HILLS FUTURE – ASK AN ELDER – The Elders have been discerning our current partnership with the RCA (Reformed Church in America), and in light of major changes coming in the RCA, they recommend a future partnership with the ARC (Alliance of Reformed Churches). Next Sunday, May 15 and Sunday, May 22, between the services in the Gathering Space, the Elders desire to hear input from the congregations. Bring your questions and also join us in praying for clarity as we continue to discern next steps for Cedar Hills.
The RCA requires churches leaving the denomination to join another denomination or network. We believe that there is wisdom in this requirement. We long to partner with other churches who are like minded in theology and mission. We want to grow in kingdom impact and we believe that God does this when like-minded congregations unite in mission. We are requesting to join The Alliance of Reformed Churches (ARC).
Are you curious what it means to be a part of Cedar Hills? Or what it means to be a member of a church? YOU BELONG is a class to explore both these things at Cedar Hills. The class runs six weeks beginning Sunday, April 24 at 9:45am. (May 1, 2022 is the final deadline to join).
Some fun membership benefits – use of the church for events without rental fees (baby showers, parties, reunions), a discount for weddings and events, and a tuition discount at Noah’s Ark Preschool! As well as the spiritual benefits of affirming a commitment to where God wants to plant you and find a home for your unique gifts.
YOU BELONG is held a few times every year. If this session doesn’t work for you, let the office know and we will be in touch when the next session is scheduled.