All posts by Cedar Hills

UMV 2025

UMV 2025

We are excited again to host the annual gathering of the Upper Mississippi Valley network. Our gathering will be June 13-14 at Cedar Hills Community Church in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.


(Hotel accommodations and special pricing reserved through May 14 – see below)

June 13-14, 2025
Cedar Hills Community Church

Friday, June 13

Evangelism Training – Time TBD

For our guests who are arriving in town the night before, come join us for this small-group evangelism training.

Saturday, June 14

Continental Breakfast and Fellowship
Registration Open

Welcome and Worship

BREAKOUT Session #1

BREAKOUT  Session #2

Business Meeting

Lunch (no cost)

Keynote Speaker

Closing Thoughts and Prayer


To be determined!



We have reserved a block of 10 rooms at Tru by Hilton Hotel, which is a short drive from the church. The group rate is $135.
Check-in is at 3 pm Friday.  Check-out is at 11 am Saturday.
This block will be available until May 14th at 12am.

Dust to Dust

Dust to Dust

Dust to Dust.

Dust shows up in the Bible 100 times. The first is in Genesis 2:7. “Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.”

We were made from dust and to dust we will return. This is the central theme of Ash Wednesday. The entire season of Lent can be framed with this same phrase. We are frail, temporary, transient. Life is fleeting like a mist or a vapor. Dust to dust.

And of course – we are sin-full.

One of the preparations for Passover is to remove all yeast from the home. This command is found in Exodus 12:15. “For seven days you are to eat bread made without yeast. On the first day remove the yeast from your houses, for whoever eats anything with yeast in it from the first day through the seventh must be cut off from Israel.”

To comply with this command, Jewish families thoroughly cleaned the entire home to remove all traces of bread, pastries, crackers, and anything containing yeast.

This process involves a deep clean of every nook and cranny in the house, including cupboards, appliances, counter tops, floors, and even furniture crevices.

In Jewish tradition, a feather is used to sweep up crumbs. The feather sweeps crumbs into a spoon.

The spoon scoops the crumbs into a paper bag.

The paper bag is thrown away – or burned.

Yeast in the Bible represents sin.

When I learned about the feather used to sweep crumbs of yeast, I thought about all the dust in my home. I wondered, would a feather help get in every nook and cranny. The feather might be particularly helpful in small crevices. Or with the window blinds.

A feather duster. Leave no sin behind.

Did you know that between 20-40% of the dust in our homes is skin? We leave little pieces of ourselves behind. Dust to dust.

The feather is also a symbolic tool representing the spiritual process of self-reflection. I hope you are self-reflecting right now – connecting the dots between yeast, dust, sin, and Jesus.

We grieve the sin in our lives. One way to show our grief is to sit in dust and ashes. This reminds us of our true condition. It is also a mark of repentance.

Of course, another central theme of Ash Wednesday – and the season of Lent – is that our real hope in our dusty lives is in Jesus. We can never account for every last crumb of sin – so Jesus took care of it for us.

In Jesus there is forgiveness. “Therefore, my friends, I want you to know that through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you.”  Acts 13:38.

Dust to dust. We still find hope. In Jesus.

May the Lord be with you,
Pastor Kent

Kent Landhuis
Pastor of Teaching & Leadership

Did you enjoy this article? Did you laugh, cry or learn something new? Let Kent know.

    Angel Tree Update

    ANGEL TREE UPDATE: Cedar Hills had the opportunity to bless 25 area kids,  who have incarcerated parents, with Christmas gifts. Caregivers commented,  “I’ve never felt love like this before. I’ve never felt like I belong as much as I do when I walk through these doors.” This week, we received a letter from an incarcerated parent saying thank you!  Thank you for sharing Jesus’ love, Church!

    Answer Me When I Call (Psalm 4)

    Answer Me When I Call (Psalm 4)

    Every few months, a community I’m a part of holds a scripture memory challenge.  We have one week to memorize whatever passage of scripture we want.  How long the passage is, which book, the subject–those are all up to us.

    Every time they hold this challenge, I try to work my way through a Psalm and have worked up to Psalm 4.  I like this Psalm. It has a nice progression of feelings and emotions.

    It opens with despair:

    Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness!
    You have given me relief when I was in distress.
    Be gracious to me and hear my prayer!

    And ends in quiet rest:

    In peace I will both lie down and sleep;
    for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.

    The journey in between these two phrases is a wild ride of remembering and declaring promises of God’s faithfulness to his righteous ones.  Promises of light, protection and his attuned ear when we cry.

    I like this Psalm, because it follows a workable pattern of the human heart toward God: first despair, and then remembering who God is to remind ourselves of His faithfulness, and then relief and hope when we again remember his goodness to us, enough so that we can find rest for another day.

    Many of the Psalms model this pattern, which is probably why it’s my favorite book to use when I am lamenting or depressed. The question, “Answer me, God!!!” is a cry of my heart to say, “I can’t see  or hear you right now and I’m alone and scared.”  I’m convinced God loves the question. He is not bothered by the asking nor the heart, but is excited to again show  Himself and His goodness all over again.

    Want to memorize Psalm 4 with me? I finished up putting it to music this past week and have it playing on repeat.

    Leah Carolan
    Pastor of Worship & Media

    Did you enjoy this article? Did you laugh, cry, or learn something new?  Let Leah know.

      Women’s Ministry – Feast Retreat

      The Holidays are over and the winter blues have set in. We are dreaming of a mini vacation, some me-time with the ladies of Cedar Hills in a cozy place with TWO hot tubs, media room, and lots of places to read, reflect and Feast on the word of God.
      Sound good to you?? If so, join the women’s ministry for the Feast Retreat!


      The Women in Fellowship & Faith team invite you to join us at “FEAST RETREAT – Taste & See the Goodness of God” at the beautiful Robbins Nest AirBNB in Monmouth, Illinois. The retreat will begin Friday, April 4th at 6pm and conclude Sunday, April 6th at 10am.  Come enjoy a beautiful space with plenty of time to Feast on the word of God, food and beverages, quiet time to rejuvenate and to  laugh with a few surprises mixed in!

      Cost is $175 for the entire event, including accommodations, food and beverage, access to the Lifeway “Feast” seminar hosted online by Kristi McLelland with worship leader Laura Cooksey and fabulous breakout sessions facilitated by Lindsey Steinkamp and the women’s ministry team.

      The first 20 women to respond will be registered for the event. Once, 20 spots are filled we will open a wait list.  RESPOND NOW  (As of 2/5/25, there are only 5 spots left).

      Payment of $175 will be due by 2/15/2024 to Carmen Gronewold.  Once we have your registration information, we will communicate the payment options available!


      Women’s Event – Let’s Taste the World Together

      Join the Women’s Ministry for a delicious journey around the globe as we share and enjoy diverse dishes from different cultures.
      Bring a dish that represents your favorite country, culture, or family tradition to share with everyone.

      Here’s how it works:

      1. Choose a dish (main, side, dessert, snack, etc) that reflects an international cuisine, cultural or family favorite. Homemade or store bought-share what you love!
      2. Bring enough to share a small bite with the attendees.
      3. Bring your dish with its name, country of origin, or a great story of a family tradition or travel adventure about your dish.
      We’ll provide drinks, utensils, and plates—just bring your appetite and a spirit of adventure to try a new dish or two!
      We can’t wait to explore the world of flavors with you!  Please kindly RSVP by joining the women’s ministry group on facebook and clicking on the event.

      Super Bowl Watch Party

      Come watch the big game on the big screen at Cedar Hills! We’ll gather around 5:15 in the Gathering Space for the 5:30pm kick-off.

      We’ll provide drinks and walking tacos – feel free to bring a side dish to share and some table games.  Casual come-and-go event.

      Kids and all ages welcome!


      Super Bowl Subs Fundraiser

      Orders Due Wednesday, Feb. 5

      Order subs for the big game! The Journey youth prepare your sub orders fresh on the day of the game for pickup after either service.

      Subs are $7 each and directly fund trips, conferences and activities for our middle school and high school youth.


      Complete your order online and pay using our online payment system, or bring your payment to the church office.


      Print your order form and return to the church office by Wednesday, Feb. 5.  Cash or check for payment.