All posts by Cedar Hills

Becoming a Foster Parent

We wanted to share a desire that is stirring among our congregation – and that is one of becoming a foster parent, knowing their are hundreds of children in our area that are in need of sturdy, loving families.

Is God placing that call on your heart as well? If so, please let us know.  We are pondering the need to host a foster family class at Cedar Hills and want to connect the families whom God is stirring.

    Red Sand Sunday

    Sunday, July 28 is Red Sand Sunday.  Cedar Hills is partnering with the local nonprofit organization, Chains Interrupted, to bring awareness to the reality and dangers of human trafficking–even in our communities and will participate in the Red Sand Project.


    Red Sand Rally & Family Safety Event
    Jul 27, 2024, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
    Marion, 1048 7th Ave, Marion, IA 52302, USA

    This event is incredibly poignant. By pouring red sand into sidewalk cracks you are raising awareness for the millions of children and adults who often fall through the cracks and are exploited daily for commercial sex or forced labor. It’s a powerful visual that reminds us how human trafficking is right before our eyes, yet often goes unnoticed. The rally begins at 10am and includes someone affected by trafficking, businesses and local trafficking experts all sharing. The safety fair includes law enforcement, fire safety, technology safety, children’s activities and vendors. Plan to join us for this great family event.  MORE INFORMATION

    SUNDAY SPEAKER – Cedar Hills

    To help bring awareness to this dire situation, a special speaker from Chains Interrupted will be speaking in between services this Sunday, July 28 at 9:45am in the Teal Classroom to help us as a congregation be educated about trafficking and prevention among our youth.  It is a big problem!

    We will also have red sand available to take home for use on your driveways and sidewalks.  The red sand is a great conversation starter to bring awareness to the problem of human trafficking.



    Did you know in 2021 Iowa was #3 in the nation for human trafficking? It is a bigger problem than many of us know or want to acknowledge.

    49.6 million people were living in a human trafficking situation in 2021 – International Labor Organization

    57% of the nearly 450 human trafficking cases in US Criminal Court in 2021, were minors – 2021 Federal Human Trafficking Report
    83% of active sex trafficking cases in 2020, involved online solicitation – 2020 Federal Human Trafficking Report

    Women’s Retreat and Family Fun Event

    Ladies! You and your families are invited to a special day event that begins with a retreat for the women, followed by an evening of activities for the whole family.
    SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, September 28
    RETREAT: 10am-4pm
    FAMILY EVENTS: 4pm-8pm (bonfire, games, etc.)
    WHERE: John’s Place in Fairfax – a country-themed, barn-turned-event center, nestled in the countryside just minutes from the church!
    More information will be coming soon on how to register.  Be sure to watch the bulletin and the Women in Fellowship & Faith Facebook Page. 

    Blank Park Zoo and Adventureland!

    We are planning a weekend getaway for our August “Faith, Family & Fun” event.  You can come for the weekend, or pick and choose which events you’d like to plug into.

    BLANK PARK ZOO –  Saturday, August 3

    Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines is open 9am-5pm. Our special group discounted price is $5 for children, 3-12 years old, and $10 for 13-year-olds  through adults. To receive this discounted rate, please pay by Sunday, July 28. You can drop-off payment to Kathryn in the Nursery on  Sunday, or pay Jennifer in the church office.


    We don’t have discounted ticket rates for Adventure, so you’ll want to prchase tickets directly from Adventureland and look forward to joining other Cedar Hills families at the Park on Sunday.  Click here for info.

    Cedar Hills Facebook Groups & Social Media

    Facebook Groups

    Cedar Hills connects many places, and a few of our ministries have connect in Facebook groups.  Have you joined any yet?

    Main Facebook page:
    Cedar Hills Community Church

    (like and follow)

    Cedar Hills YouTube


    Blueberry Blitz – support Lake View Camp

    BLUEBERRY BLITZ – Buy blueberries, support Lake View Camp!. Fresh from the farm in Michigan! Order forms are available at the Welcome Center and should be mailed with payment directly to Lake View or turned into the church office by June 23.

    A Cedar Hills volunteer will drive to the Pella area to pick up all our church orders and bring them to the church for pickup on Sunday, June 30.  (Please be sure to have someone available to pick up your blueberries on that day as we do not have ample storage for unclaimed orders.)

    Lake View Camp is a ministry we support and send many our students and grandparents to throughout the summer.  They also host camps for children who have a parent in prison (“Angel Tree” camps), which often means these students don’t have the financial means to pay for camp.  We are so passionate about reaching out with the gospel to every student–fundraisers like these make it possible!

    ORDER FORM – Click to print


    Matthew 25 Transform Week

    MATTHEW 25 TRANSFORM WEEK –  Transform Wee brings together community volunteers to complete projects that homeowners aren’t able to do on their own. Register online and select: Cedar Hills Community Church to join the work group from our church and help others in our community!

    No skills required; helpers can work one or more mornings or afternoons the week of Monday, June 24 through Friday, June 28. Register here

    Cedar Hills’ Men’s Group and Journey Youth will both be participating this year.

    Cedar Camp Mentors


    Cedar Camp (our re-envisioned VBS program) is quickly approaching. It will be three evenings, July 7-9.

    Our vision is that every student would be assigned to a mentor with a 2-to-1 ratio.  Adults of all ages are encouraged to become a mentor.  We do all the work for you! It is a slow-paced environment, with plenty of accommodations for our more mature mentors. 🙂

    Statistics show us that children who have adults of faith in their lives are less likely to leave the faith as a young adult. That person could be you!

    Two information/training sessions are happening this month.  If you are interested but need more information about what being a mentor means, you are encouraged to join a training session.


    • Sunday, June 24 at 12:00 PM
    • Sunday, June 30 at 9:45 AM

    Please contact Cathy Poole to sign-up.


      $900 for Girls of Grace!

      Sunday, June 2 the Girls of Grace (our young ladies age 5 to 5th grade) held a fundraiser in the Gathering Space selling lemonade, baked goods and crafts.  They raised $900 for our Cedar Hills family currently serving as missionaries in Eastern Europe.

      We are so proud of these young ladies! Thank you to everyone who came and supported their efforts.