Don’t Choose Milk
In the next few days many will begin thinking about New Year resolutions… I can’t say enough great things about how my life changed about six years ago when I started prioritizing (like crazy like) daily Bible reading and memorization. It’s something many of us profess and give lip service to, but hypocritically do not practice.
I was stirred (slightly insulted, but stirred) by this 4min clip from Francis Chan:
In 2024, let’s not just say it’s important to read or memorize the Bible. It’s time to dig in DAILY. It is the foundation of a mature Christian life. Don’t choose milk any longer – go for the meat!
If you’re not there yet, I don’t want to guilt you into it. But I can testify to the fruit of going after God daily in Bible reading, memorization and prayer–it is so worth it! To be able to discern the voice of God with greater clarify, to know his heart and thoughts in a given situation, to be able to speak words of truth into another life with ease as the Holy Spirit brings to mind verses effortlessly, to feel a call to pray for strangers in the Target packing lot or Sam’s Club lobby and see God at work before your eyes–these make it so worth it!
I wish I had known the beauty of daily devotion in my younger years. God literally does change you as you as you are in His word.
But here’s what I’ve also learned –don’t try to squeeze it in to a busy schedule. It won’t work. To really go after daily reading, you have to GIVE UP something for God–some other worldly practice of consuming entertainment or social media or news or sport or hobby or Insta reels or TikTok or evening news that has consumed your time. Say to the Lord, “I want you MORE!” and go after it with intensity. Go for the meat. And He’ll make all those other things pale in comparison.
Leah Carolan
Pastor of Worship & Media

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