All posts by Cedar Hills

Chains Interrupted Presentation Jan. 8

January 8 during the 9:45am Sunday classes hour we will be hosting a special speaker from Chains Interrupted, a local organization that fights Human Trafficking.  We want to invite all adults to attend this event at 9:45am, in between the two services.  All regular adult classes will be attending this event instead of their regular class times.  Children’s classes and nursery will still be in session.

One Service Jan. 1, 2023

January 1, 2023 we will have one worship service at 8:30am.  Regular services will resume Jan. 8 at 8:30am and 11am, as well as regular nursery care and the 11am Children’s Worship.

Also Jan. 8, we will be hosting a special speaker from Chains Interrupted, a local organization that fights Human Trafficking.  We want to invite all adults to attend this event at 9:45am, in between the two services.  All regular adult classes will be attending this event instead of their regular class times.  Children’s classes and nursery will still be in session.

January 15, all classes resume, as well as some new classes beginning.


  • FaithQuest – Sundays at 9:45am for 8th graders – understanding foundations of our faith in the Gray Room. (This class will officially start January 15.)
  • Newly Marrieds – Sundays at 9:45am in the Loft Classroom. (This class will officially start January 15.)
  • Parenting TogetherSundays 9:45am (This class will resume January 15.)
  • Digging in the Old Testament and Finding JesusSundays 9:45am (This class will resume January 15.)
  • The Character of God –  Sundays 9:45am (This class will begin January 15.)
  • Romans Ladies Bible Study – Tuesday mornings 10am (This class will resume Tuesday, January 3.)

Support a New Global Mission

Support a new global mission we are launching at Cedar Hills as well as grab a few gifts for the whole family–all in one click. If you buy anything from our page at, 40% of the profits will go to our new mission at Cedar Hills.
If you’d like to avoid shipping fees, Beth Larson, a Cedar Hills member will be picking up the items weekly and bringing them back to the church for pickup  Beth will be in the Gathering Space to show you some of the fun items that are for sale Dec. 11 & 18.

The Holidays at Cedar Hills

November 23, 6:30pm – Thanksgiving Eve Worship: a light-hearted and family friendly worship service. Held in the Gathering Space. Bring a pre-cut fruit to share in a giant fruit salad!

November 27 – Advent Begins. Services at 8:30am and 11am.  No Sunday Classes. No Children’s Church.

December 4, 4:00pm – Advent By Candlelight – Rest and Rejoice: a women’s event with elegant Christmas-themed tables, desserts, and a program to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. Pre-registration required – Due Nov. 27

December 18 – “Joy” Sunday – come to worship in your Christmas attire–ugly sweaters, Christmas ties, or dress up and take family photos at our special photo area.  Regular service times.

December 24 – Christmas Eve worship services at 3pm, 5pm and 7pm. A celebration of Jesus’ birth with candles and carols. Live on Facebook at the 5pm service only.

December 25 – Christmas Day.  No worship services.

January 1 – New Year’s Day. Worship only at 8:30am. No Sunday classes.

God is Not Dead Nor Doth He Sleep

“God is Not Dead, Nor Doth He Sleep”

At the end of the Old Testament, between the book of Malachi and Matthew is a period known in Protestant circles as the “400 years of silence” from God: no new prophets were raised up and God said nothing new to the Jewish people.

Malachi ends with, “Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the LORD. He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse.”   And then the New Testament opens with John the Baptist—the fulfillment of this prophecy.  He came in the spirit of Elijah, proclaiming that the Messiah was coming.  And He did!  Within John’s lifetime! In fact, the pregnancies John’s mother and Jesus’ mother overlapped by 3 months.

Suddenly Israel went from no Word from God to two major voices on the scene speaking loud and clear.

I wonder if in those 400 years until then people had thought, “Is Yahweh dead? Is He sleeping?”

So much time had passed, that the Jewish leaders didn’t recognize God when He and began to speak.  Though they knew what the scriptures said about the Messiah, it was as if blinders were over their eyes to be able to see the fulfillment in front of them.

And yet we know outsiders also knew the Jewish Word and responded, looking for the “King of the Jews” when the recorded Star appeared in the sky.  The knowledge was OUT there, but not all could see.

Faith in Jesus today is also described in Scripture as an ‘opening of the eyes of our hearts’, to suddenly see and understand what the Word is saying.  But when the blinders are still on, perhaps it feels like God is dead or sleeping to those who don’t know Him yet.  It’s actually one of my favorite prayers to pray for unsaved friends and family. “Lord, open their eyes.”

“God is not dead, nor doth he sleep” is from a carol that uses unique Christmas imagery to describe all of this! Can you name the carol? Let me know in the form below!

Leah Carolan
Director of Worship & Media

Can you name the carol?

    An Evening With Miniatures

    Monday, October 24, 2022, 6:30 – 8:00 PM

    See and hear the magical story of miniature houses created by Joyce Firzlaff, in the Gathering Space at Cedar Hills Community Church.

    Joyce  Firzlaff will have a short presentation and several award  winning houses will be on display.  Cookies and Coffee served.    Door Prize.

    Tim Vink – Guest Speaker November 6

    We will gather for our annual Congregational Celebration on Sunday, Nov. 6 at 10am in between services.  (No Adult Sunday classes this day, but the children will still have classes). Cake and coffee to be served.  We will finish around 10:45am.

    This year we welcome special guest speaker Tim Vink from the Alliance of Reformed Churches.

    Tim Vink grew up in Minnesota on the lakes and sports fields but also in the pews of a vibrant congregation of Jesus. His life verse from Luke 12:48 was etched in him by strong Christian parents, “To whom much is given, much will be expected.” The emphasis was full of grace from God, and full of potential and opportunity.

    Through 35 years of evangelism, disciple-making, and helping diverse churches plant more reproducing churches, Tim has experienced the power of making Jesus our model for ministry today. Working with a multiplication mindset, embracing the fullness of the gospel of Jesus and New Testament patterns of Kingdom growth, and receiving all the help offered by the same Holy Spirit—the dynamic results have been life-giving for hundreds of new churches and tens of thousands of people. The Alliance of Reformed Churches will be an exciting next chapter where Tim serves as the Director of Spiritual Leadership and Outreach.

    Have the Gift of Hospitality?

    Do you have the gift of hospitality?  If so, you may be interested in learning about the role of an usher.

    Ushers welcome people into the church and worship services with a friendly face.  They also assist our visitors with questions, materials and help them find a seat.

    Everyone is welcome to learn more about this volunteer opportunity to display our value of hospitality! Join Gary Sager and Jim Boeke for an informational meeting Sunday, Sept 25 at 9:45am in the Gathering Space.

    Women’s Tuesday Bible Study

    Bible Study with Joanne Lodge

    Tuesday mornings 10am.  This women’s Bible study is led by gifted Bible teacher Joanne Lodge and is open to women of all ages.  The group is currently studying the book of Daniel.   New participants are welcome to jump in at any time during the study – no registration required.

    When: Tuesdays at 10am
    Where: Red room
    Teacher: Joanne Lodge
    Materials needed: Bible and paper for notes if desired.

    Crissie Rozendaal Visitation & Funeral


    Please continue to pray for the Rozendaal family as they grieve the loss of Crissie.

    The funeral will be at Cedar Hills on Thursday, August 18 at 11am with a luncheon to follow.  Visitation Wednesday evening  4:30-6:30pm, also at Cedar Hills.  MAP


    There is an area to leave condolences on the Iowa Cremation website. Please let the family know you’re thinking of them!


    Crissie was a loving wife, mother, daughter, and friend. She is the daughter of Arie and Wilma Spoelstra of Pella Iowa. She was born July 13, 1960. She put up a good fight against cancer for 13 years. She never let it rule her life.

    Crissie is the wife to Dennis Rozendaal and the mother of Emily (Nick) McKeag and Jacob Rozendaal. Sister to Marlys Hoksbergen, and Royce (Sharon) Spoelstra.  Sister-in-law to Dale (Jana) Rozendaal, Marla (Eugene) Sjaardema, Rodney (Dana) Rozendaal, Ross (Kara) Rozendaal.

    She enjoyed reading, serving her community, visiting with family and friends, and serving the church. She was an elder at Cedar Hills Community Church.

    Visitation will be at Cedar Hills Community Church in Cedar Rapids from 4:30pm to 6:30pm on Wednesday August 17, 2022. The memorial service will be held at Cedar Hills Community Church at 11am Thursday August 18, 2022.

    In lieu of flowers, memorial donations can be made in Crissie’s name to the Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center at UIHC.
    Thank you to the hospice nursing staff for their care and support. They do a great job at a difficult time.