Category Archives: Bright Spot

National Day of Prayer – 5-2-19

The first Thursday of May is designated as the National Day of Prayer. Join millions of people today who are praying for our nation. Carve out a few moments to  pray for these four things:

  1. Pray that we would grow in our love for one another as a nation.
  2. Pray for churches around the country to be  unified in love.
  3. Pray that love would be at the center of our families, neighborhoods, schools, workplaces and communities.
  4. Pray for love to overcome the anger, divisiveness, prejudice and partisanship that has a grip on our nation.


Graduation Annoucements

This season brings April showers, May flowers and May graduation parties!  If you or your student is graduating this Spring, we’d love to hear about it in the church office and acknowledge you/them in the June Cedar Chips newsletter.

Email the student’s name, school attending, parents’ names, and future plans to: [email protected] or turn it in on paper to the office before Wednesday, May 15, to be included in the June Cedar Chips.

Bright Spot: Caring Connections

Church Teams Take Communion to our Shut-in Members: Cedar Hills is blessed by the caring outreach of those who visit shut-in members on a regular basis. Although these members are unable to
attend Sunday worship due to physical disabilities, they are part of our spiritual family, and they are not forgotten. We are grateful for those who visit homes and care centers to bring communion to shut-ins.

Care teams include Crissie Rozendaal, Glenda Brislawn, Ken Viggers, Gary Mills, Ray Vander Wiel, Karen Bronkhorst, Collin Aarhus, and Al Avis. We can all have a part in caring for those who have lost their mobility. Please consider reaching out to one of the saints listed below. And thank you for sharing your time and love!

National Volunteer Month

Did you know April is National Volunteer Month? At Cedar Hills, we are blessed with many volunteers who find great joy in serving the Lord with the varied gifts, talents and passions and we believe everyone is called and wired to find their specific role in serving the church.

We compiled the lists and starting Sunday, April 7, you can stop by the volunteering table and write a “Thank You” to a volunteer who is currently serving Cedar Hills.  All the supplies are provided! Won’t you take a few moments to bless the heart of another in our church family and thank them for their time?

Haven’t found a place to serve yet? We’ll also have a list of current needs and openings in our volunteer base.  Who knows? Maybe God will lead you into your area of passion and ministry with just the right fit.

Jesus answered, “The most important one is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:29-31)

Volunteering is one way to follow both commandments at the same time!  Through serving others you are showing your love to God by sharing His love with those in need.  Love God – Love Others.  BUT did you know that volunteering also shows your love for yourself which is part of God’s commandment as well?  He wants us to live full lives that honor Him, and volunteering is one of the ways we can do that.

Benefits of volunteering: 15 ways to feel healthier and happier

Community, loneliness, and bonding

  1. Volunteering builds community
  2. Volunteering ends loneliness
  3. Volunteering increases socializing
  4. Volunteering build bonds, creates friends

Mental health and happiness in volunteers

  1. Volunteering develops emotional stability
  2. Volunteering improves self-esteem
  3. Volunteering helps those most affected by mental illness

Overall Health Improvements

  1. Volunteering promotes longevity
  2. Volunteering reduces risk of Alzheimer’s
  3. Volunteering leads to graceful aging
  4. Volunteering burns that suborn belly fat

Future goals and career opportunities

  1. Volunteering improves school and college experience
  2. Volunteering provides better job prospects
  3. Volunteering develops corporate communities
  4. Volunteering adds fun to your years

How can I get involved:

In the church?

  1. Take the Spiritual Gifts survey to identify the gifts God has given you
  2. Fill out your profile in the Cedar Hill’s CCB to identify your gifts AND your passions
  3. Stop by the table in the Gathering Space to see the opportunities available and sign up to serve.

In the community?

  1. Contact an agency that matches your passions and ask about the opportunities to serve.
  2. Sign up on a volunteer app or website. There are several available, but to show how easy it is to learn about volunteering opportunities in the community, we will focus on the United Way’s website called “Volunteer Now”.
    1. Got to the Website
    2. Create an account
    3. Once you are logged in you can:
      1. Browse agencies and tag them as favorites – you will receive notification when a new volunteer opportunity is posted for your favorite agencies
      2. Respond (sign up to volunteer) to a need

Palm Sunday Pancakes!


Support the Journey Youth Group and plan to eat breakfast at the church Sunday, April 14, serving from 7:30 AM – 12:30 PM. Free-will donations support the activities and trips of our Youth Group, making ministry activities, trips and evangelism training more affordable for everyone.

The regular coffee shop will not be open, but percolator coffee will be available with the breakfast. Feel free to bring your own to-go cup to enjoy coffee in the services. 🙂

This meal will also be the “Open Table” of the month.  If you wish to connect with others who call Cedar Hills home, this is a great event to attend.

Women’s Revival Painting Event Success

Twenty five ladies gathered as part of Women’s Revival last month to create these cool customized wood creations! A good time of fellowship and bonding was had by all.

Women’s Revival is an opportunity for adult women to come together twice a month (1st and 3rd Thursdays) from 6-8p, for fellowship and fun, and to be able to grow in your walk with Lord. Each night features a blend of devotions, discussion and an activity. There is also be programming for participant’s children (3yrs-5th grade) available.  Interested in trying out Women’s Revival? Register online.

LEAD Conference

Want to learn how to develop a culture of service and intentionality within your family? Well we can help, join us for the LEAD Conference on March 15, from 6-8pm (Childcare will be provided). We will hear from speakers who live and work with some of the most impoverished and voiceless.

If we are honest with ourselves, it can be difficult to develop a culture in our families of being intentional about the gospel and being a willing servant of the Lord. Especially when the “needs” of the world seem to be so daunting, where do we begin? Is a transformation even possible? Well we might have an idea of where to begin and what it could look like. We hope you’ll be able to join us at Cedar Hills Community Church to participate in the discussion!

View the Facebook event.