Category Archives: Bright Spot

Open Table – Oct. 21

This Sunday, Oct. 21 is Open Table!

Come, join others around a meal for fellowship, conversation and good food.  Open Table is for anyone, young and old alike. We particularly wish to encourage anyone new to Cedar Hills to join us and meet some others along the same journey!

Immediately following the 2nd worship service, around 12:15pm.  There is no cost to attend.  The meal takes place in the Gathering Space, right inside the main church doors.

Bright Spots for Your Wednesday

Brighten up your Wednesday!
I hope your Wednesday is filled with rays of hope! Enjoy the bright spots below and see you on Sunday ~ JenniferG SQUARED – “I was so excited last evening.  We had 10 adults, 2 grade school kids, and 3 toddlers in strollers on our G2 walk.  We trekked until dusk on a trail.”  ~ Leader: Deb Steinbaker

On-Call Hospitality Team – “Thank you to the On-Call Hospitality Team who have shared their kindness and support for grieving families many times in the last few weeks.  If you would like to be a part of this compassionate team, contact Jennifer in the church office ([email protected]). Thanks!”
Leader: Nanci Iiams

“In August, our church hosted a family in partnership with Family Promise. Approximately 40 volunteers from Cedar Hills helped and got to know this family, who had been working for a long time to get their 15-year-old daughter Sara back to them.  Well, I wanted to pass along the great news that Sara is finally back with her family!  Your prayers for Sara and her family were very much appreciated!  Praise God!!”
Leader: Bruce Boldt

Children & Family Ministry Bright Spots: from Director: Kyle French

  • Grace TeBockhorst, Faith Drzycimski and Brock Corrigan have been fantastic at setting a good example and helping out as 4th grade helpers during Explorer’s Children’s Worship.
  • Bree and Kara Van Genderen are incredible women of God and have a deep passion for teaching and caring for the children of the church!
  • Jeanette Van Genderen has done a fantastic job leading the Women’s Revival ministry, and encouraged to see how God will use it for his glory!
  • Mary Landhuis, Deb DeHaan, Karly Barnard (and their other helpers) are an incredible team and the preschoolers are truly blessed by their investment, creativity and passion to help them in their young walks with Christ!
  • The Mills, Baughans and Ungs have been an incredible resource and leaders for the Parenting Community, the ministry is thriving as they live out the Lord’s calling for the ministry.

If you are interested in helping in any of these ministries or have questions: email the church office: [email protected] or call 319-396-6608 and ask for Jennifer.

Bright Spot – Family Promise

“Thanks so much to the 40 volunteers from Cedar Hills who helped host a family at our church through Family Promise. This week was a huge success! It was incredible to see such an awesome team effort! The family was very appreciative to all of you for your kindness and hospitality! They told me over and over how blessed they were to meet all of you and to have the chance to stay at our church. The kindness you showed the family is a key part of what makes Family Promise a successful program.” ~ Bruce Boldt, leader

New Parenting Community

We are excited to announce a new parenting community!

All parents are invited Sunday, May 20 at 9:45 AM to room 135 to connect and ignite this new group. Open to anyone with kids ages infant to elementary, this group will be a fun way to get to know others going through the early-parenting life stage. This is a community that will continue to meet throughout the years, thus allowing friendships to grow. As with most relationships, the real connections will likely happen outside of our Sunday meeting.

In June and July, this group will not meet at the church building (since there is no summer childcare/Sunday school). But, we will hold activities outside of church, such as a picnic, to get to know each other. We hope to initiate “Dinner 6” for the month of June. This is an event where 3 couples or 6 individuals are paired up and decide on a time to get together. This is an excellent way to start to get to know other parents in the church.

For the month of July, we will be meeting at the Ungs house (near the church) for a morning brunch-potluck on July 22nd. Time is yet to be decided.

We will discuss all this and start to get to know each other at our very first meeting on May 20th.

We wish you all a delightful summer.

For more info about the group, contact Karl or Lindsey Ungs. We’ve begun a group in CCB to use for group communication.  To be added to the CCB group, please let Jennifer Wagaman in the church office know you would like to be added. This is likely how we will notify you of events.

Children & Family Ministry – Welcome Kyle!

Kyle French, his wife Alisse, and their daughter Hadley will be coming in February. Kyle will begin his role as Director of Family and Children’s Ministries. He will be responsible for the oversight of ministry to families with children, birth through 5th grade. His primary roles will be to encourage and empower parents in their call to disciple their children and to equip others to intentionally focus on developing children into life-long followers of Jesus. (Make disciples who make disciples in the everyday stuff of life. ~Matthew 28:18-20).

Picture Kyle’s role as more of a school principle rather than a classroom teacher. He will give oversight, encouragement, and training to help families carry out the vital role of shaping the faith of their children. His top priority will be equipping parents and other adults to be disciple-makers.

Please welcome Kyle, Alisse, and Hadley!