Category Archives: News

Noah’s Ark – November 2017 News

I am a planner. I have a hard time waiting for answers. I want to know everything now so I can plan. This past year enrollment was very slow. Our numbers were low for a long time. We decided to adjust staff, cut hours, and changed some classes around. So all summer long we prayed hard, did some advertising on social media and our enrollment shot up! So again, we adjusted staff, added hours for some, and remembered to keep praying. How many times are we so focused on the planning that we forget to pray? This year reminded me that all the planning in the world wasn’t going to help if I wasn’t willing to pray to God as well. I’m more focused on what God wants as opposed to what I want done. I love that God still teaches us lessons and doesn’t give up until He’s ready for us. His time is not fast or slow, it’s perfect.

The preschool’s board works hard to keep a tight budget. Basically what comes in covers our budget and our gift back to the church. This year we are again giving a 10% discount to active church members. We gave back $10,000 directly to the church at the end of 2016. Our board for the 2017-2018 school year consists of: Jana Houghkirk as acting chair, Allison Johnson, Kaci Maire, Melissa Oberembt, Jennifer Miller, Carrie Campbell, Katie Curtis, Jan Fick, and myself. I absolutely love my staff! Jan Fick, 24 years, Assistant Director/Lead Teacher; Marcia Bruggink, 15 years as Assistant Teacher; Lori Larson, 11 years as Lead Teacher; Kris Crowther, 4 years as Lead Teacher, and Lorri Anderson, 3 years as Assistant Teacher. Bridgit Humphreys and Rachel Freeman join us as substitute teachers. We are grateful for all 62 families, who have stayed with Noah’s Ark and value a quality Christian education.

I believe in free preschool for those who can’t afford to pay. I don’t believe that our taxes should pay for all those who can pay. As a Preschool Director, it hurts my heart knowing that we have a quality preschool and loving Christian teachers who can offer way more than ‘free’ and we could reach twice as many families as we do. Please join with me and pray for the future of Noah’s Ark Preschool.

In Christ,
Leslie Clauson
Director of Noah’s Ark Preschool

November 2017 Adult Discipleship Update

It has been an exciting year for our Discipleship Vision Team. Our ‘on’ and ‘off’ campus cells continue to provide a growing number of families with the opportunity to connect with one another. There is still much work to be done in our groups owning the cell values. Some of our groups this past year merged with others and new groups continue to develop. Our focus on training and forming new cell groups will continue to be a way that we hope to reach out beyond the walls of the church to become a church that does life with one another in community.

The Adult Discipleship Cross Training has experienced a blessed year and is off to a good start this fall. This year we increased our Sunday morning classes to four instead of three. An additional Cross Training class is now offered on Tuesday mornings. Adult Discipleship opportunities continue to expand with a primary focus on the Bible, family dynamics, and other biblical electives presented to help resource our spiritual development.

Please continue to keep the search team and process in prayers as we seek our next Director of Children’s Ministry. If you have not attended a Cross Training Class or Cell Group, be sure to visit us online or at one of the registration tables for an opportunity to connect with others.

J.R. Henderson
Pastor of Spiritual Development

State of the Church

Sailing Through the Storm

People are afraid that the church is losing influence – or worse, has already lost all of our influence. We’ve lost our voice in the public square and our ability to shape values. We’ve lost our own children. I’ve heard people say, “We are in a storm” and it is not just a sprinkle or even a passing thunderstorm – it is a hurricane.

Not every storm is created by problems ‘out there.’ Some storms are caused by the mess  that comes from our own brokenness. These storms threaten the church from within. If the state of the church is that we are threatened by the storms from inside and outside, what do we do about it? The book, The Disappearing Church by Mark Sayers suggests that in these stormy days, the
church-and the world-needs Christians who thrive in a hostile environment by finding  deeper intimacy with God. When storms blow, we trust in the One who calms the storms. There is another book that has a lot to say about this:

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day. Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; He lifts His voice, the earth melts. The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.” (Psalm 46:1-7).

Resilience in a time of storm comes when we know the one who is our strong shelter, the God who is our fortress. The God who makes the sunshine and the rain. The God who calms the storms. Jesus said,

“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love” (John 15:9).

Abiding with Jesus is the best place to be when the strong winds blow and the rain beats down. It is the place we discover the love of God.

“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress” (Psalm 46:10-11).

The state of the church is in need of a shelter in the time of storm, and we have a shelter. As we develop this resilience we discover that we actually survive the storm and that we really do have something to offer to the world. We can offer the world the shelter that they so desperately need.

We do not bear the turbulence of storms alone, we face them together with God as our refuge and strength, our ever-present help, our mighty fortress.

Kent Landhuis
Pastor of Preaching & Leadership

Dave Ramsey Preview – Live Event

Join Cedar Hills for a FREE live stream of Dave Ramsey’s Smart Money event.  Tuesday, Nov. 7 at 7pm.  Sign up online here.

Over the last 25 years, millions of lives have been changed through Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. This November, Dave will be live streaming his Smart Money event to churches and Financial Peace University classes across the country. We are excited to announce that we will be a host site for this event. The best part? It’s absolutely free for you to attend!

Dave and Rachel Cruze will take the stage on November 7 in Phoenix, and we will stream the event in real time. We’d love for you to join us and learn the steps you and your family can take to live like no one else. Sign up today to be a part of this amazing event.

If you need childcare, please let the office know so we can plan accordingly.

We look forward to seeing you in November!

Job Opening – Director of Family and Children Ministry

Director of Family & Children Ministry

Family & Children Ministry

Cedar Hills has a opening for a Director of Family and Children ministry! If you or anyone you know might be interested, send them here: for full job description and application details.

Please pray for this process and we accept applicants and discern who God is calling to fill this position.

A dog for Sara

Our daughter Sara has Type 1 insulin-dependent diabetes.  She was diagnosed at age 18 and has struggled with this disease as a brittle diabetic ever since. After 21 years of testing, shots, insulin pump failures, and hospitalizations, she has been losing her sensation of feeling her high and low blood sugar levels. To assist her in monitoring her highs and lows, she wants to get a service dog trained to sense her condition before it become life-threatening.

It takes about 2 years to train a puppy from basic obedience up to the specialized training of a service dog.  The dog will learn to react according to Sara’s situation and let her know that she is in danger.  Unfortunately, this dog and the training cost about $25,000.  Sara must raise these funds herself through contributions and fund-raising activities. Sara has connected with an organization known as Service Dogs by Warren Retrievers (SDWR.)   They are a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization who raise and train service dogs for diabetics and other persons with special needs.  More information may be found at

We are hoping to contact as many people as possible to aid Sara in her fundraising efforts.  If you wish to make a monetary contribution, go to the website and under the heading donate/personal campaigns/fundraiser, type “a dog for Sara” in the search box.  Sara’s personal story is there and all contributions will be directed to her campaign.  All contributions are tax deductible and donors will remain confidential and anonymous if desired.

Please feel free to distribute this information to anyone else who you feel would be interested in making a contribution.

If you have any questions, contact Sara by E-mail at “[email protected]” or call us at (319) 390-3961.

Thank you for your interest!

Jack & Kate Ulmer

Volunteers need for the “Take Away Hunger” event at Cedar Hills

Sign up now

On Sunday morning, February 19th the Missions Team is packaging meals for “Take Away Hunger” in the church Gathering Space.  The meals are made of a specialized rice based mixture to feed hungry and starving people both locally and globally.  Volunteers are needed to fill 60 minute slots throughout the morning at 9am, 10am or 11am for our meal packing party!

View available slots and sign up online.

Take Away Hunger is an Iowa-based food relief organization that unifies teams of people who package a specialized rice based soy casserole mixture which is used locally and overseas.  It is based on a simple principle of people helping people, in this instance, even kids! Take Away Hunger not only nourishes hungry children, but the spirits of the volunteers who pack the meals.  For more information on this awesome ministry, visit

Journey 2017

Welcome to 2017!! In this new year the Journey student ministry has decided to take big steps in living out their faith. Come check out the student ministry hallway and room and see the different ways we are connecting with the community. In the hallway we have a map of the corridor with markers where we live, work, go to school, and just do life. These are our impact zones each and every week. Inside the Journey room we have a pathway wall that will have footprints on it. Each footprint represents a conversation we have had with someone about Jesus.

The third and final aspect we are adding to our Journey room is called a Cause Circle. This circle includes three separate parts. Part one is to pray for our friends who do not know Jesus, part two is to pursue them in a friendship, part three is to persuade them with the truth of the Gospel. Each week we will post names of our friends that we are engaging in each of the three areas. At the end of each Sunday night, our students will join around this Cause Circle and pray for all the names around the circle.

Please take time this year to pray for our students as they engage Cedar Rapids with the truth of the gospel of Jesus!!

~ Jeremy Van Genderen
Director of Youth and Young Adults

Microwave Reset

Sometimes if my microwave at home gets wiggled, jostled, or moved by too many slams of the door, it will power off. You have to reach behind to wiggle the power cord on the back to get it to turn back on. After it powers off, the screen always displays “0” instead of a clock. This drives me nutty. My husband will usually leave it on “0,” but my eyes are so accustomed to looking at the microwave for the time, that I am always compelled to reset the clock.

I wish I could leave it at that, but when I reset the clock, I face the dilemma of which clock do I set it to? The coffee pot clock? The big clock on the wall? Or my cell phone clock? I know my cell phone is the most accurate, but I also like all of my appliances to display the same time. (Any one else have this issue?) So much so, that if I use the coffee pot as my reference, I will wait until the minute changes and quickly reset the microwave at the same time so that their minutes both change together. This makes me happy. This January we will focus on recalibrating our hearts as we start a new year… doing a ‘reset’. But what should we recalibrate too? What is our guide of reference? And how can we align with all of those around us?

Jesus’ intro to the Sermon on the Mount gives a glimpse of how God’s principles for living are vastly different than the world: “Blessed are they that…” It’s good to take stock of our minds and hearts and rediscover where we have gone astray and reset them in line with God’s principles. I’m looking forward to doing this alongside all of you this new year!

~ Leah Carolan
Director of Worship